This Truck Insurance Company Hasn’t Increased Renewals on Their Clients in 4 Years

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Jared Flinn: You're listening to the Bolt Floats podcast, your number one resource for everything, bolt freight trucking. Hey, guys, Jared Flynn with the Bulk Loads podcast. Got Larry in today with me. Larry Hurt: Yes, sir. Jared Flinn: And we're gonna get right to that topic on insurance. But as we always start off every podcast with truck feature this week, we have Brian Sanders with Flint Hills freight lines out of Lawrence, Kansas. Do you guys write these guys? Larry Hurt: I think we do. Jared Flinn: Oh, very cool. Larry Hurt: One of ours helping. Jared Flinn: Yeah. So this is just picture of him helping a local farmer. And. Oh, yeah, actually in the comments here. Yeah, he is using bulk insurance. Larry Hurt: Love to see it. Jared Flinn: So they just put all that together. Larry Hurt: Love to see it. Jared Flinn: Awesome. Yeah. He's also on smart freight and a bulk loads member. So thank you, Brian, for sending this picture in. If you would like your truck featured, as we do every week, just send a picture to any of our social media sites. You can send it to podcast any way you can get it to us. We would love to put that in the drawing. Jared Flinn: I think we still have some options open on our calendar, too. So make sure you got some cool truck pictures, especially holiday ones. Get them to us pretty quick, and we will vet those to see if we can get them on our 2025 count. Larry Hurt: Yeah, I know we've had hundreds of pictures in so far, so it's been fun watching. I feel bad, like I feature them all. Jared Flinn: I was like, can we just do little thumbnails, like, of each one for each month? Alex Petrovich: Yeah. Larry Hurt: I don't know how that's a tall task for Tyler to pick those out. Cause there's some really good ones in there. Jared Flinn: Maybe we do a thumbnail of all of them that make one bigger picture of a truck. Larry Hurt: That'd be kind of be sentimental. Jared Flinn: Yeah. So, well, speaking of Kansas, I just got back from Kansas this week and a great trip out there. I love these visits. And, uh, actually, this morning I was talking to my twin brother, and I think just as we get older, like, man, I just love driving this time of year. Just seeing the countryside, seeing tractors and confines out in the field, and, uh, good weather. But, yeah, actually went all the way out to phillipsburg, kansas, and then kind of snake back around. Fred was with me, but I want to have garrett a couple shots. But, uh, first visit, I visited Adam vowinkel. Jared Flinn: Yeah, Adam I've known for almost, and it's getting close. 18 years he was a hauler for mine at bulk or, excuse me, at Bartlett grain. And, uh, it was at a time where they were moving a lot of wheat from that north central Kansas area into Kansas city, but developed a great relationship with him. Larry Hurt: And it was your first time meeting in person. Jared Flinn: Yeah, first time after all these years. Yeah, we ride his insurance as well. And that was part of the visit to. To go up there and meet him. But, uh, I knew fred was going that direction. I said, man, I'm gonna jump in there and meet Adam. But, yeah, there's. Here's just a couple pictures of Adam, but just a phenomenal guy. Jared Flinn: And one thing I'll say about Adam before I move on to this next photo is Adam. In our years working together, like, we always just had a great relationship. And I think the advice I would give, like, Adam, anytime we were talking about rates, it was always, there was never like this, you know, if he didn't like to rate, he would kind of say, hey, that's not going to work. But there wasn't, like, this evil battle like this, hey, you're taking advantage of me. And I never tried to begin with, right. But I just always remember, like, we always had just this good relationship, and it was just something I learned, like, man, you don't, when you're negotiating rates, it doesn't have to be this heated. Larry Hurt: Awkward, more mutual respect. Jared Flinn: Yeah. You know, zero sum, you know, one person wins, other person loses. And Adam, it just, we always. And he's always done that and the way he's conducted his business, and so, hats off. Love that visit with Adam. And then on the way back, this other one, Kelly Wilson. Many of you all probably know Wilson Volk freight, but got to see him. I've seen this guy, he joined back in 2011, and I was with Kelly when he had three trucks. Jared Flinn: Now he's up to, like 42 trucks. I think he said, I think they'll be at 50 by the end of this year if they get this other contract. Larry Hurt: Good for him. Jared Flinn: But he's been wearing the hat today. Yeah, he got the Wilson bulk, but he's been on the podcast, also has been to our conference the past couple of years. So I stopped in and visited with him, and I'm hoping to do a little story because I think he's got some sound advice on what he's done to grow and to help our industry users. So, yeah, always out there. Mandy, if you one thing we do, we've done these videos for a while, but we have been going out featuring people. If you would like to be featured or would like for us to come out and feature your truck. We've actually had some companies and we say this again, Mike Cordy up here. They have gained new drivers because that video people are on social media. Jared Flinn: That's where they consume content. And we want to be out there showing our content, but your content. And if you want us to feature you, give us, actually reach out to us at podcast oak and we will see if we can come out there and feature you. There's no cost. People always ask that. No cost. We do that because we get to cross market. We use it for advertising for us, but then it's also advertising for you. Jared Flinn: And it's just a great way to get yourself out there and more present for more people, especially if you want to get more business, more drivers, better relationships with shippers and so forth. Alex Petrovich: Yeah. Larry Hurt: And they're fun. That's the other thing. It's super fun. Jared Flinn: Yep. Well, now to the fun stuff. We're going to talk insurance. Larry Hurt: Yeah. Super fun. Yeah. Jared Flinn: Today we're going to bring on Alex, actually. What's Alex's last name? Larry Hurt: Petrovich, I believe. Jared Flinn: Petrovich and Chris Orns. They're with ten four insurance. Larry Hurt: Yep. Jared Flinn: And this is actually a relatively new market that we actually. How long have we been. Larry Hurt: So we started, Chris and I met, you know, it's so funny now. It's like the way we met is I reached out to Chris on LinkedIn. I was like, who's ten four? I'm seeing some stuff out there. Sounds like. I mean, it's ten four, right? I know it's truck insurance. It's not a mystery of what they insure. So I reached out to Chris and we kind of started a conversation and got to know him. And then he actually meth me up in smart freight at the office because ten four is based in cater Lakes, Iowa, so not too far away, but yeah. Larry Hurt: Cool. Super. It's a new opportunity for trucking companies to have access to some insurance products that haven't been on the market long. So it's kind of fun. It's unique, it's a little different. And they are causing some waves in the insurance marketplace. Jared Flinn: Big time waves, I think. And we'll talk more about this after you all listen to this. But like, they are really out there trying to grow a presence and actually creates a better opportunity for trucking companies out there. You all listen to this. Don't know that premiums are going up, but when you got a company like this, a new company that's trying to get out there and get market share, usually you can get more affordable premiums. Absolutely. Larry Hurt: We call it buying the business, we see it where a new market comes in and they need to get the premium on the books and so they're willing to negotiate a little bit better. The ease of use with them has been awesome for bulk insurance group. We've done a ton of business with them early on and I think the key, and we get into this in the podcast, the key is to not be scared of something that's unique. And if for the truckers out there that aren't scared of something that maybe is a little untraditional in the insurance marketplace, this could be a really unique option for them and it could be the most affordable option. And that's fun to save people money and keep people profitable and making more money. Jared Flinn: And I don't know about these other big insurance carriers, but I love that this company was created by a trucking company and still a trucking company that has ownership in it. They run 3000 trucks. And we'll talk about that on this podcast. Yeah, but yeah, this is. I think that just makes it even that more attractive to me. Like this is actually built for truckers by truckers. Larry Hurt: Yep. No, you're exactly right. I think that just adds to the layer of the uniqueness of what they're doing. But it's not like they just came in and decided they're a bunch of business guys and hey, we're going to make money off truckers. No, they're, they're a trucking company that saw the need for some insurance and are able to combine all of their services into one kind of vertically integrate and actually resell that insurance product. And so it's fun. It's been cool to watch. Jared Flinn: Yeah. Well, you want to stay tuned on this one. So without further ado, here is my conversation with Chris Ornz and Alex Petrovich of ten four insurance. Chris and Alex, thanks for joining us. Alex Petrovich: Absolutely happy to be here. Jared Flinn: You're just telling us. So you guys are in Carter Lake, Iowa. I've never even heard of that. Alex Petrovich: Yeah, not a lot of people have. Lake, Iowa is that. It's a weird place in the midwest that happens to be surrounded by Nebraska. Years back, the river moved. So it's this little city inside of Iowa that's surrounded by Nebraska. And so it's not the day, but it is Iowa and it is surrounded by Nebraska. So we've got a lot of employees that, that live in Omaha, Nebraska. We've got some that live on the Iowa side because we're right up against the Missouri river. Christopher Ornce: Yeah, we usually just claim Omaha to avoid having to explain it too much, but. Jared Flinn: I was gonna say, I've been in logistics most of my career, and, like, I almost, like, I always kind of quiz people, like, tell me where you're from. They're like, oh, I'm from. So in this area, I'm like, well, give me the city. And usually I don't get stumped, but I. That's a first. So now I know where Carter Lake, Iowa is. But, hey, thanks for joining us. You guys are with ten four insurance, and we wanted to bring you on the show. Jared Flinn: It's been exciting this year to really grow with your company and really have a new solution for our trucking members, especially as it pertains to insurance. So, really wanted to bring you on and just to let our audience know more about you and really kind of go through kind of what makes you all different. But talk about the ten four story from the beginning, like, why did you guys even start? How did this. How did this start from the beginning? Alex Petrovich: Sure. Yeah. So ten four truck insurance has been around since 1992, and ten four today is a lot different than what ten Ford looked like in 1992. In fact, the name was different. The prior name was technically specialty transportation core insurance company doesn't quite roll off the tongue like, ten four truck insurance. So we have been around 32 years, but for the past four and a half, five years, we've really been focused on providing insurance as a one stop shop to owner operators and small fleets. So always been insurance related. We've got a number of sizable fleets as customers today, but the core focus for us is on what tends to be the more underserved side of the trucking industry. Alex Petrovich: From an insurance perspective, that's the owner ops or ics, independent contractors out there, and smaller fleets. So we were working with our customers on a direct basis since 2020. And halfway through 2024, we saw the need and opportunity to work with insurance agencies and brokers that know and understand trucking. So we've got an exclusive partner set, and it's been going great, you know, ever since we launched with the agency distribution side. So main lines of coverage that we offer, auto liability, cargo trailer interchange, physical damage, and general liability as well. And then we're kicking around, you know, potentially offering occupational accident at some point in the future. Jared Flinn: Okay, well, let's talk about, you know, since we've been introduced to you all, we've landed a considerable amount of business. It's just been awesome to have another opportunity for our carriers in this market. But I guess, Larry, I want to kind of give this over to you. But talk about, like, what's been happening with insurance and how is this almost presented to be a really good opportunity for us to serve our clients? Larry Hurt: Yeah, for sure. No, that's. That's good. Um, a couple things in the insurance market, and, you know, Chris and Alex can speak to this as well, but the insurance market for truckers is a. It's a hard market. It's been hard forever since I've been in it. It seems like it's always been hard. So the last eight years that I've been doing truck insurance, we've seen a couple of things. Larry Hurt: The first is lots of rate increases. So there's all these standard insurance trucking companies that are in the marketplace today. A lot of them that have been around a long time. The problem with those markets is that there's no new capacity coming into the insurance trucking landscape as a whole. There's a. There's a few here and there, um, but not a lot. Jared Flinn: And so more have been exiting. Alex Petrovich: Right exit. Jared Flinn: Yeah, I remember, like, last year was a nationwide. That was another one. Alex Petrovich: Yep. Larry Hurt: Just nationwide ag exited the. The truck space. And that's been you. Jared Flinn: That's. Larry Hurt: That's not been unique. Over the last seven, eight years, we've seen a lot of companies get into truck insurance. They want to write a lot of premium, and then they're back out. And so what's been nice about our partnership with ten four, um, is it's really the first time that we've seen real new access, uh, to capacity in the truck space. And I think it's really unique, uh, what they have going on. And we can kind of talk if. If Alex would dive a little bit more into, um, the partnership and how it was created with ten roads. Uh, that'd be awesome. Larry Hurt: But I think that the. The main thing here is you guys got a really unique product. Now, we're trying to, as a partner of the ten four community, we're trying to figure out how do we distribute this product? How do we get people to understand, um, what the product is and why it's important and. And how it's actually giving trucking companies more access to better quotes that are keeping people in business and making more money. Jared Flinn: Well, if I can address the white elephant in the room, like you guys are. Risk retention group. If I'm saying that. Right. And how is that different than a traditional insurance carrier? Alex Petrovich: Sure. Yeah. That's a question we get all the time. Right. And an RRG or a risk retention group is different than a traditional carrier. I'll get to that in one quick second. I want to back up. One piece I missed on talking through our story is ten four. Alex Petrovich: Truck insurance was really created by and for trucking companies. So I think there's a lot of insurance companies out there and they do a good job at the stuff that they do. But the piece that we bring to the table that's a little bit different is the actual trucking expertise from people that have been in and around trucks in a variety of different roles. So we've got a, we've got another trucking company that's in our family of companies that's got over 3000 trucks on the road. There's a large leasing company that's also in our family of companies that has locations throughout the United States. And then what we look for in our employees is really some sort of background or connection to trucking. I think a passion for trucking is important to us. An understanding of what truck drivers go through on a daily basis and how life for a truck driver is much different than most people that may go into a nine to five job every single day is important. Alex Petrovich: And the blend of that trucking expertise and kind of being built by and for trucking companies is what sets us apart a little bit. So, back to the RoG topic. An rog is different than a traditional insurer. You know, you hear the terms admitted and non admitted quite a bit in the insurance space. This is getting into the weeds, but these may be things that you hear your agent or you hear others in the industry talk about. An admitted carrier is a term that's used meaning that an insurance company is licensed in a state and they participate in the state guarantee fund. So in the event of insolvency, which I think everybody hopes doesn't happen, but it is a reality. Although it doesn't happen often, a state puts aside a guarantee fund to essentially provide some offset to pay out claims in the event of an insurance company going insolvent. Alex Petrovich: An Rog doesn't participate or have access to a state guarantee fund. So that's a big difference. The way we talk about our structure being different is it gives us some additional flexibility, you know, to do things from an operation standpoint and respond to market needs quickly. We are still regulated, much like any insurance organization, by a variety of different entities. Ten four. Truck insurance is domiciled in the state of Vermont. The insurance department in Vermont has what they refer to as the gold standard. So a lot of rogs and captive structures are domiciled in Vermont because they, they do an excellent job from a regulatory standpoint of making sure that things like surplus and liquidity are where they need to be. Alex Petrovich: So we're regulated by the state of Vermont, and then the NAIC is a governing body in each of the states in which insurers transact and do business. So you've got an insurance commissioner in every state. We've got to abide by the rules and regulations for each of the states that we operate in, and we certainly do that. So we're heavily regulated, a little bit of a different structure. But I think there may be some market misconceptions out there about rogs in general. And while there's a phrase, if you've seen one risk retention group, you've seen one risk retention group is true as a whole. Typically, rogs are formed to solve an insurance need in a specific industry, and they're common in the healthcare space. So you see some medical malpractice rogs that are out there to help different professional services. Alex Petrovich: You see them in a variety of other industries, but trucking, they become more common because I think by the nature of the hard market, and maybe traditional insurance, becoming more and more expensive, because these traditional insurers do a lot of different things and they're trying to spread risk across their overall policyholder base, which is no different than we operate as well. The approach may be different. So having an RoG focus on an industry specifically, I think, adds a layer of expertise you may not see sometimes in a traditional insurer. And so bargies are becoming more and more common. I would say back to the comment around, if you've seen one RoG, you've seen one Rog. It's important to understand the history, the expertise level, the financial stability of that risk retention group, the amount of time that it's been around. While certainly there's some that have been started recently that do a phenomenal job, I think us having been around for 32 years speaks volumes about our own stability. So it is one of those things where there may have been one or two that struggled in the past. Alex Petrovich: And I recommend whoever's looking at an rog as an insurance option to do some additional research. And you'll find that the things about those organizations may be issues completely removed from the insurance component itself. Jared Flinn: Well, r1 example that we had recently, there was one of our clients doing quotes for him, and actually, he's a good friend of mine, and I know that you all were, it was almost $20,000 cheaper or less on their premium than the next one. He still declined it still went with the, I think, the existing market that he had. I could be wrong with that. And I reached out to him, I was like, I might say his name, but hey, why didn't, like, you're always telling me how like, you know, insurance is way too expensive. My costs are so high, I'm going to go out of business if I can't get better, you know, better deals, better costs. We presented one that was almost 20,000 cheaper. He didn't take it. Why not? And he's like, I didn't feel comfortable with it. Jared Flinn: I mean, that's what his reply was. He didn't feel comfortable. I was like, what? So I guess for that, and I guess a couple of things I always hear, you know, you know, number one is not financially being backed is one. And then the other thing I hear is, well, shippers won't allow me to haul form if I'm with the risk retention. Can you speak specifically on those two? Alex Petrovich: Yeah, sure. Yeah, I think, you know, I'll go back to the, we've been around for 32 years, so take a peek at the experience level that an individual rog has. And I think there's some credibility that's there. Just showing the fact that we've been through a number of different market cycles from a trucking perspective. And I think it's one of those things where maybe the unknown is part of it. So being able to understand and, and realize that the policy forms that we use are largely ISO based. So they're the same types of policy documents you'd see from most traditional insurers, and that should give comfort as well. You know, there are certain companies out there that may develop very manuscript language, and that's fine, it serves a purpose, but that's not how we operate. Alex Petrovich: And the second question around the shippers and the brokers piece, I think one of the common things that's come up more and more, especially as technology has gotten better, is asking for a rating of some sort. These rating agencies that provide comfort to the broader market, whether it be a shipper or a broker, a logistics broker or some other entity, giving them comfort that the company's financials are in good standing. And while I think that's important, we've been around for a while, we're dedicated to trucking, but we realize that's a need and we're actually going through the rating process ourselves. So it's one of those things that we're looking to solve that problem because it should give some additional comfort to know that there's a rating agency that's independently looked at us as an organization and said, yeah, they're meeting the, the standards that they have to. I'll go back again to the state of Vermont and the other insurance regulators out there, though. We can't just operate fly by night as a company. We've got to meet certain reserves, surplus liquidity ratios, and make sure that we're in an excellent financial position to continue from this point on. Christopher Ornce: A lot of that has to do with comfort level too. Just not understanding what you don't know on our side. It's my job, our job to give you guys the tools to educate your clients to where they do understand both what an rog is, what it looks like traditionally, but also how we different differentiate ourselves for the pack. There's a number of ways we do it, obviously, but it's our job to give you guys the tools to do that, too. So that's something we always work on as we strengthen our partnership, run into these conversations, make sure the producers know how to sell back against the counter argument of the ROG, especially in our case. Jared Flinn: Well, I think, and correct me if I'm wrong, like some of these that we've onboarded with you all, if there's been an issue with a shipper, maybe not accepting it, you all have reached out to them directly to show them proof or documents that, hey, we're just as sound as any other, whoever, other insurance companies, right? Alex Petrovich: Yeah, we've got the, and we're happy to do that. We've got the ability to be able to show our financial strength, share with them some more information about us as an organization and some of the trucking expertise that lives in these walls. And we're usually able to get them comfortable. I think sometimes there's a very small list that we keep of folks that just require that rating just because they just do. And that's part of the reason why we're going through that rating process. But I would say 75% of the time, we're able to get whoever needs to be comfortable. And if there's going to be an issue, then, you know, we're happy to advise you to go a different path. But for those that do end up working with ten four truck insurance, I think they find the process is easy. Alex Petrovich: The claims experience, you know, knock on wood should you have one, is excellent. You know, we, again, having the expertise on the trucking side, knowing that those trucks are the heartbeat of their organization, getting it fixed right for the right price and getting it back on the road as soon as possible is paramount. And us understanding how that process works, parts and labor rates in different parts of the country, how to work with a towing company, that's maybe being a little bit difficult. How to come to the best resolution should there be a third party liability claim? Getting those types of things taken care of quickly, those are all the reasons why we feel like we're different and we're taking a look. Jared Flinn: Yeah. Christopher Ornce: Context tends to provide a lot of comfort in this situation. When you're talking to someone who's a little bit on the fence, you know, the way we were built, the way we were structured and designed was for trucking, like, specifically for trucking. And so we understand the general concerns they have, especially if they've been, you know, if they've been poisoned by a bad experience. But, you know, we're coming through with a little bit of a different story, quite a bit of a different story, honestly. And it is something that is, I would say, truly unique to even the rog space, but especially insurance space, especially in a hard market. Jared Flinn: Hey, guys. Jared Flynn here. Many of you all may know, may not know, but we started bulk insurance group two years ago, and, man, it has been growing phenomenally, but I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk more about why we started. We started bulk insurance group to create an insurance agency, insurance company specifically for bulk carriers. There's no other companies out there that focus bolt carriers. I had this idea years ago that, man, we have a group of carriers different than out there. But the problem is insurance companies, they want bulk carriers with general freight, with fan freight, with reefer freight and flatbed freight. Jared Flinn: And we know that bulk carriers are different and insurance should be provided differently to them. So that's why bulk insurance group was created. So I know right now, insurance, it's going up, premiums going up. We would love the opportunity to look at your quote and see if we can help you out with that. We know people are sticker shocked at renewal time, man. Give us a chance to look at over. I know insurance can be a pain to switch over, man. Let us just see if there's something we can do, if there's savings that can be made or maybe policies or different coverages that you don't have or maybe you have and you don't need. Jared Flinn: So, man, reach out to one of our representatives at bulk insurance group. You can go to bulk loads. There's an insurance tab. We'll put the links in the notes here below. Thank you and God bless. Larry, you were saying, we were talking earlier in prep to this, but I mean, there's certain markets because we have clients, you know, we're 7000 all over the United States, even up in Canada, but there's some of these regions, like, there's really no other options for these guys. Larry Hurt: Yeah, we've seen a lot of insurance carriers in the traditional insurance space pull out a specific geographic markets, primarily in the southeast. And so you're seeing a lot more risk retention groups posted on filings through the dot in those states. So, yeah, it's not a new phenomenon, but I think that the risk retention specifically, you know, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, it's becoming more and more common as more and more insurance companies pull out. And that's a, that's something that we really look forward to working with. Ten four on is making sure that we have an option for our carriers because right now we're seeing, we're seeing carriers call in motor carriers and they're saying, hey, my renewal came back. It's triple the price. I've got two trucks. This is it for me unless you guys pull through with something. Larry Hurt: And so our goal for those guys is to bring a unique option that's affordable, that keeps the wheels turning and actually helps them create money and revenue for their companies. And so that's really exciting. What would you guys, Chris and Alex, what would you guys say are some of your key selling points when we're out there talking to motor carriers? Maybe they haven't heard of you, maybe don't have the branding of a traditional truck specific insurance company that's out there. What would you guys say is you're really, this is why you should go with Tim four. This is who we are and this is the service level we're going to provide. Christopher Ornce: Yeah, I mean, there's a lot to touch on there, honestly. And we'll keep it to the cliffs notes a little bit. But, you know, our story, that's why I say context is so important to the situation, right? I mean, being built for and by trucking companies, we jokingly kind of say we're a trucking company that just happens to do insurance. Right. And I think that's, that's strong there, but the insurance piece is equally as strong. And so when you have that unique combination of knowledge bases, you know, we truly understand the needs of the trucking market. So the service side is really strong. You know, as one of the sales leaders here, you know, I go out and I talk a big game. Alex Petrovich: Right. Christopher Ornce: And it's, you probably hear it a lot from a lot of people, when they, when they say big things about their company, and then you, then you have a different experience when you work with them. You know, Larry, I, I know you can speak from experience. And working with us, we do back it up right. So we're, I say a lot of times I'm like, you know, we're not a talk about it company. We're be about a company and do a company where we want to, we want to get things in motion, catch, catch some fire with you guys and give you guys the experience so you can, you can have the confidence to work with your insurance with us. But that, that deep knowledge base, the, the experiencing in the industry are just two of the, two of the really big things. But because of our structure, we are able to get pretty aggressive on pricing because we have a very strong cost containment philosophy here as well. Through our group of companies, through our knowledge base, we understand how to handle claims. Christopher Ornce: And we're not everything to everybody. We are trucking. What happens in the general marketplace is with a lot of the carriers that are out there riding trucking, they also write a lot of other things. When you do that, that's why you see these rates continue to increase because they're writing. They're writing really bad risks. They don't have a high level of integrity in their underwriting. They don't understand the cost containment piece. And so what ends up happening is these really good, clean insurance, or insurance with a story about getting cleaner, end up taking on a lot of the water for the bad risks that sit on those books. Christopher Ornce: And then you guys end up having to have really tough conversations with your insurance when they're a flawless account, but they're taking 10% for the third year in a row. And the industry as a whole has just come together. It seems to say, okay, what are you going to do about it? And that's where we come in. And the entrance to the marketplace in this way with us has been a really good opportunity to do things, I think, the right way. The bar tends to be meddling towards the bottom where it should be. And I would say with what we're doing, we're coming in quite a bit higher than where it's sitting, just trying to do things the way they should be done, reward good risks with good pricing, kind of strain the market back out a little bit, at least for what we can control. So anything to add to that? Alex Petrovich: Yeah, to echo some of the stuff Chris said, I mean, we're a little old school in our approach. I think there's a lot of insurance companies that are starting to use technology as the decision maker. For us, technology is important, but it's a supplement to the decision making process. You know, we look at every single company driver that we work with on their own. The narrative and the conversation matter. You know, it's not just numbers on a page that you get from different public information sources or whatever other sources you may be getting info from. That certainly helps paint part of the picture. But at the end of the day, this is a people business, and we're dealing with other people, and these are people that. Alex Petrovich: That care about the company that they work for, the company that they run, and they've got pride in what they do. And I think we want to be the best insurance option for the best drivers. So when Chris mentions the disciplined underwriting, 98% of our customers have never had a rate increase. So if you bought insurance from us in 2020, chances are you're paying the same thing in 2024. And to be able to look at insurance as more of a fixed cost instead of a variable cost is a huge win. But I think it speaks to the way that we handle claims, the way that we underwrite, the way that we interact with our customers. We don't want to. Insurance is typically looked at as the last thing anybody wants to think about or deal with until you have a claim. Alex Petrovich: And for us, we look at it as a partnership. We're partners with our insurance agencies, with our customers. If they win, we win. And we want to know, you know, how you, how you hire drivers, how you talk about safety, you know, if a bad accident happens, which, you know, we're in trucking, you got, you got trucks moving a lot of miles on a yearly basis. You know, what are you going to do to prevent that, that accident or that scenario from happening again? And so those are a lot of the things that maybe don't jump off the page that, you know, that others may be looking at. And so I think for us, it's, we're a little bit old school, but you get all the benefits of having new technological advancements while also having the ability to truly work with just people that don't understand trucking and insurance. And at the end of the day, I think our people are what differentiate us from everybody else. Christopher Ornce: Yeah, I'll go back to context again. I know I sound repetitive, but it's such a powerful tool, especially when it comes to underwriting. Alex Petrovich: You know, you have a lot of. Christopher Ornce: Carriers that if they see any growth whatsoever, they recoil and hit the cancellation button without a conversation. And we love seeing those accounts hit our desk because we ask the questions of, why are they growing? How are they growing? That's just one example of some of that human element of underwriting, where the context really chimes in and paints a different picture than it just even just looks on paper. There's a lot of. A lot of boxes that a lot of people check that if you dig a little deeper, you find out the real story, and it actually ends up being a really nice piece of business. It just. No one was there to listen to them, right? So they got. They ended up. They end up getting punished. Christopher Ornce: But what ends up happening is they come over to ten four and have a better experience. So, you know, win, win win. Larry Hurt: Yeah, that's good. Jared Flinn: I was. I kind of think of this past year, I switched my personal lines to an agency in town, but I was with a well known company. They're on tv all the time. But I went with a friend of mine who runs an agency, let him quote it, and it was almost $3,000 cheaper than. But I was like, how's this? And he actually placed it with kind of a. If I remember right, it was a newer company, or not a newer company, but they have this program. But I was like, as long as it's good, as long as I'm protected, like, I don't care. But, like, I mean, that's a big chunk of change for my personal lines. Jared Flinn: And so we went there, and I mean, knock on wood, we haven't had a claim, but I kind of see this as a little bit same. It's kind of a newer program you guys have been around, but this is a program that's kind of hitting an area that needs better pricing. And I'll speak for this. Talk about, I know you quote all different size and all that, but talk about the heart of that sweet spot of who you all are really looking for. You know, us, we deal with a lot of bull callers, a lot of grain haulers, hopper bottoms. These guys, you know, from, we got the ones, two truck operators up to 20 plus, you know, some even more than that, but we really deal with the good old boy agriculture farmer type trucking companies. Christopher Ornce: Sure. Alex Petrovich: Yeah. You know, I think there's a. Again, to talk about what may be on a page versus what happens in a conversation, and I'll just use a specific example. I think, you know, driver experience is. Is one of these black and white criteria that a lot of insurance companies use. How many years experience? Class a CDL does a driver have. And in the ag community, you know, you've got a lot of folks that may have been driving a tractor from the time they were ten or driving a farm truck from, you know, the time they were, you know, 16 or older or whatever that looks like. So while it doesn't specifically translate, it does play in, in terms of how we look at the overall account and pricing. Alex Petrovich: There's a ton of factors that come into play. But I think specific to the ag industry, there's just some old school ways about how things are still done in that world more than other areas and now more than any time, I think the people element of how we operate and what we do makes a significant difference. Jared Flinn: Yeah, talk about, again, just, I just want to, I'm going to beat this to pull, but like, talk about the trust factor, because if someone's listening to this, maybe not now, but next couple months of renewals coming in, they see that thing again, like Larry said, could be triple the price or double, you know, one truck now. And I'm just throwing a number out here. He was paying 1012 thousand a year and now all of a sudden his renewal's in at 22,000 and he's hearing this podcast and is like, like, man, can these guys help me in my situation? Christopher Ornce: Yeah, I mean there's, there's a, there's a fear of the unknown, you know what I mean? And, and I think the rest of the industry kind of relies on that to retain business that's arbitrarily priced or increased in pricing. And because there are people who come and go in the industry, you know, where. And we're a name that isn't too broadly known yet, it's by design. However, we only work with select agencies who really understand the space. So we do have a unique offering to give our agency partners. But that fear of the unknown is something that a lot of people sell against, right. Or you've never heard of them, or it's the market. The market's a really tough spot. Christopher Ornce: So our challenge is earning that trust through the story. Right. So we do rely on that story pretty heavily because it makes a lot of sense to kind of, you know, make people comfortable with, with that what would otherwise be an unknown element in ten four truck insurance. But that's, that's a big challenge for sure. Alex Petrovich: I think a big thing for us is, you know, it's a, the trucking industry is very much word of mouth, right. I keep coming back to the people element of this whole thing, but you know, I think it's to talk about the trust factor. There's no better person than we're going to sit here and tell you why we think we're good and the things that we do better, right? I mean, that's that it's having pride in what you do and where you work and that sort of thing. But I think the best people to talk to about ten four truck insurance are our current customers. So I would recommend, you know, if you have other insureds that have made the move, whether they've had a claim or not had a claim, they've experienced the process, or working with some of the folks at our organization, I would recommend talking to those customers. And we've got customers that have been with us for years and years at this point. And we hear really good things, I think, which makes us feel good. It tells us we're doing a few things right. Alex Petrovich: I think the other important thing is we want feedback. And I think unlike some organizations, we're actually open to, to change. And that's one of the nice things about our structure, too, is we can be nimble and we can be flexible, whether that be relative to market conditions or the specific needs of a segment of trucking, whether that be ag or, you know, somebody that's all on a tanker or, you know, whatever else it may be. I think the feedback component is important, too. So if somebody's sharing something back with us, it's not going to fall on deaf ears. Again, we view it as a partnership with our insurance agencies and our ultimate end customers. Jared Flinn: Yeah, that's good, I guess. I say what's super exciting about this? And again, not to plug you all, but like, since we founded Bullclose in 2011, we're always looking for better ways to serve our clients, you know, whether it's better pricing, finding loads for them, getting them paid quicker with our factoring company, but this is like something different that we can provide to them insurance wise that they haven't got before. And I think that's what's super exciting about this. And if we can save money on the long run, keep these customers in business, giving them more money that they can take and invest back into their business or take home to their families, man, it's a win win for all of us. So again, I like this, that for me, and I'm just saying it personally, it's not about a money grab or grabbing more market share of this, but like, man, this is something really awesome that we can provide to our customers. Larry Hurt: Totally unique in the market space, which is fun to see. You know, we see a lot of clients of ours that have at one point, reached out to one of the largest risk retention groups, which is Ooida, Oida. You know, they founded their risk retention group a while back, and so there's, they've had a lot of exposure in the owner op trucking space for, you know, what it means to get insurance through a platform like theme. Their model today is direct through Oida. So to be a trucker and to get Oida insurance, you have to go to Oida and call them. They do not use agencies like bulk insurance group to distribute their insurance products. So I'm curious for you guys, it seems like you started off down that path of distributing it directly to motor carriers, and then it seems like you've pivoted a little bit to actually utilize agents. Can you talk about a little bit why you kind of pivoted or what that transition has looked like? Alex Petrovich: Sure. Yeah. I think, you know, the idea, at least initially, was the main focus early on was the owner operator segment. And the insurance needs of the owner operator segment are just less complicated than somebody with their own authority, primarily physical damage, non trucking liability, that sort of thing. You know, there. There's a certain level of guidance. I think that's, that's necessary when you need auto liability, general liability, cargo trailer interchange, you're getting into some more complexities. And we offered those products on a direct basis, but at the end of the day, there's a ton of. Alex Petrovich: Not a ton. There's a select group of insurance agencies, and bulk is the gold standard that no one understand the trucking space and can independently recommend providers and options for their customers. And so for us, you know, I think it was a matter of getting the word out too, right. We recognize the importance of having a knowledgeable, trucking specific consultant in an insurance agency that we can have a partnership with. And I think with an Ooida, you know, Oida does a fantastic job. They still have a core mission of being the association for owner operators. And by the nature of their association, they've just got a large market that they can talk to and offer different things directly to. And that isn't necessarily the setup and nature of ten four truck insurance. Alex Petrovich: Just given us having a little bit of a different approach. Not being tied to a very large, long standing association like OIDA is for us, part of it, too, is just being able to meet the customer where they're at. If you're working with an insurance agent or you've got some complex needs and you're not yet working with an insurance agent agency or you probably should, you can reach ten four truck insurance that way. And then for those that, that they have a referral into ten four truck insurance through one of our Italia partners dealerships, finance leasing companies, motor carriers that have an owner operator population that options there, too. Larry Hurt: Yeah, that's good. One other thing I wanted to ask, too. It's kind of interesting and unique about you guys. At Bulk Insurance Group, we do business with 30 different truck insurance markets. Ten four being one of them. As an agent, one of the hardest things in the space is to gather data from a motor carrier who's on the road all the time, who needs the, you know, he needs his loss runs, he needs his equipment list, he's got to get his driver's list, all this information. And then you gotta, as an agent, you gotta package it all together and send it to the market. One thing that's really unique, and I love about ten four, is your guys quoting process. Larry Hurt: Yeah, we still have to collect data and we got to put it together and it's got to look good. But if you could talk a little bit about how you guys went about building the rating system, because I think that's really unique in the marketplace. I mean, we see some insurance carriers that go direct to the consumer, kind of the progressive model or a GEICO model, and they're able to fill out their information online and get quotes in minutes. You're all system similar in some senses, as you guys previously went direct to consumer and still do. But can you talk a little bit about why you made it so easy and the purpose behind it, and then what new technology you're trying to incorporate into that user experience? Alex Petrovich: Yeah, you bet. Yeah. I mean, I'll start off by saying we're not trying to be all things to all people, and we're certainly not trying to try to take over the entire insurance market. There's, like you mentioned, there's 30 different trucking markets that you all work with. There's plenty of room for friendly competition out there. I think we've got a niche and we've got a certain slice of the trucking industry that we do well with, and we'll continue down that path to make sure we're able to offer excellent service, quality rates, claims handling, etcetera. But for us, we understand the importance of a trucking company owner or a driver or an owner operator's time. Again, very nontraditional setting. Alex Petrovich: They're on the road quite a bit, so it makes the process more difficult getting all that data over there. I think anybody that hears, oh, boy, insurance renewal is coming up. I don't know that anybody gets excited or does a happy dance for that sort of thing. So we get it right. We understand it's not the sexiest process or the most fun thing that anybody's going to do. So we tried to make it easy both for our end customer and our agency partners. And that's a quick qualification process. Right. Alex Petrovich: We've got seven or eight questions that really determine if there's going to be a fit for this term or not. And that protects our agency's time, that protects our end customers time, that protects our underwriters time to spend more time working on accounts that are ultimately going to lead to them being a ten four truck insurance customer. All of these things translate to less an expense and being able to help us deliver the quality rates that we do day in and day out. And so we just, we're trying to make it easy and that's, I think, an overarching thing here. How does ten four truck insurance do things on a daily basis that ultimately make our end customer, the trucker's life, easier and insurance agencies lives easier and, you know, hopefully our employees lives easier. So they love coming into work every day and doing what they do. So I think we've just, I don't know if it's self preservation or what, but the insurance process has just gotten, you know, way too complicated and over engineered and it just doesn't need to be. Once you get to a yes or you think there's going to be a fit, we're going to need some more information. Alex Petrovich: But at that point, you know, it's going to translate into hopefully a better rate and a better experience. So we're all about trying to make things easier for everybody. Christopher Ornce: Yeah, and turnaround time is another big piece of this. Right? So understanding that sometimes you need to quote really fast is we try to look at where the pain points are, not only for the agent, for the insured, turnaround time is a huge one. And a lot of times when I talk to people about how we use human beings to underwrite accounts, there's the immediate question that pops in their head of like, well, how can you be fast? Right? How can you be quick when AI is utilized with these other companies that can make quick decisions? Well, I mean, we still make very quick decisions. We just make, we're very decisive and our underwriters are very good at what they do. And that is one of the tent poles of our mission is to be, is to be an industry best, an industry standard for turnaround time as well. That just goes back to understanding kind of the needs of the trucking industry as a whole. I mean, it's a, you know, we kind of try to stay on the gamesmanship of guarding our quotes too closely. That goes back to the level of partnership we have with our agents, though, right? Jared Flinn: Yeah. Christopher Ornce: So a lot of times when you work with certain agents, they'll, they'll, they'll keep, they'll work with a carrier that'll hold their numbers back to the last second to be able to guard their renewals because usually they're coming in high and they don't want to be shopped. You know, we want to give you guys as the agent, the quote you need on time so you can have an informed conversation with your, with your client or your insurer so they can make a good decision that we're pretty confident where we come in is usually going to be the better number. If it's an account, we really want to go, you know, go after with you. But those are all things that are, that are incredibly attentive to the needs of the market and then the insurance. Alex Petrovich: So cut this if you want to, but for any, you know, trucker or trucking company out there that's listening to this, and if you're not a bulk insurance customer or if you're not a ten four truck insurance customer, whether or not you're coming up on a renewal date or your midterm and your policy right now, you know, if you're an owner operator, we'll get you a quote in 20 minutes. If you've got your own authority, it's a same day turnaround. The thing is, you get a second option to consider. If it's better, great. If not, you go on with your day and you didn't spend a lot of time and hassle to get a second look. Jared Flinn: Yeah, that's good. Christopher Ornce: Yeah. The whole team's pretty dialed in on. Alex Petrovich: How to get it. Christopher Ornce: Get us a good quote pretty quick. So. Jared Flinn: It'S been a great podcast. I want to, as I kind of tail off, I just want to end on, you know, I love the name ten four. I mean, obviously, it goes with trucking, but I think you guys got to come up with a mascot. I mean, we got, you can't use a duck. You can't use the ostrich flows already taken. But I think, like, I mean, there's got to be, like, this trucker like mascot. Christopher Ornce: What do you think of the walkie talkie, the fence, CB. Jared Flinn: That's not sexy enough. We need something. We got to make this fun. Like, this airlines fun, like purple penguin or something. Alex Petrovich: Yeah, we hear that quite a bit. I think, you know, something as uncreative as the ten four man has been thrown around, but, yeah, yeah, we're on the hunt for a mascot. We're open to suggestions, so if anybody wants to throw something out there, we're all ears. Jared Flinn: We can have Tyler, our creative department, help with that. We're, like, having fun, too, and I think I'm just like, well, by the. Christopher Ornce: Way, to that point, I can promise you Alex and I are a lot funnier, you know, than we presented today. You know, it's just, you dive into the insurance. It's, you know, it's very important. But I can promise Chris will be. Alex Petrovich: At your local open mic night. You're coming up. He's hitting the country on a tour right now. Christopher Ornce: I think so. Jared Flinn: 2025, April 16 to the 18th. Be there. Alex Petrovich: Followed by karaoke. Christopher Ornce: Yeah. Jared Flinn: Come on. Yeah. Well, hey, guys, I've enjoyed this. This has been awesome, man. It's been a absolute blessing that we found you or you found us. I don't know which. Which was which, but, uh, it's. It's been great to see the council we've landed so far and the companies that we've served and helped, and I think it's. Jared Flinn: It's a win, win win for all of us in this market. I love with y'all's heart and passion with this. We don't get this with a lot of insurance carriers, not to throw anybody under the bus, but, like, I love that this relationship that. That we have with you all, you guys right here in the midwest with us, which makes it awesome as well. So we look forward to the continued business. We'll put even links to ten four down below. Obviously, you can contact bulk insurance group, um, to get that. But, yeah, if. Jared Flinn: If you are out there and really searching for another option, which most people are, man, give us a chance. We will make it as least painful as possible. We know that it's not fun. Nobody thinks, like, when you're talking insurance, not a fun one. Good savings. So cool. Well, I'll let you guys go. Chris and Alex, man, thanks for coming on the podcast, and, man, we hope to have you back soon. Jared Flinn: We'll see you in 2025 as well. Alex Petrovich: Thank you guys very much. Jared Flinn: Thank you. God bless. Appreciate it. Larry Hurt: Thanks, guys. Alex Petrovich: Take it easy. Jared Flinn: Larry. One thing I could tell after we did this show was just how passionate they are about wanting to grow this business but really serve our industry. I think that's what's really cool. You said this on the intro, but again, it's a different way to think. I think some people get nervous, but the thing is, what I've realized over these years, the people that grow are the people that are doing things different. Larry Hurt: Yep. Jared Flinn: It's the people that are doing the exact same thing as everybody else that stay in the same exact area. And I'm not saying this just pretend for, but I'm just saying in general, one thing I noticed that people that are doing really well successfully, and I go and see thousands of companies I've known thousands, we have thousands in our ecosystem, but like, they are doing something slightly different than the other people and usually come out better for it. Larry Hurt: Yeah, I think people can get stuck in a rut. Jared Flinn: Right. Larry Hurt: It's no different than any of us with our personal lines, insurance. A lot of times you get stuck just renewing your current policy and maybe you're not out there looking for alternative opportunities or something different or unique or new. And so because of that, obviously you just renew and, you know, you take a 25% increase and you just chalk it up to, oh, it's the market. I think what's awesome about these guys is, hey, you don't have to live in that space. You can actually go out, see what else is available in the marketplace and see if it's a better fit. Maybe it is, maybe it's not, but you don't know until you try. Jared Flinn: Yeah, I think I love that they really hit on. Cause just again, talking to carriers all the time, this is all facets. But like having a good, responsive customer support team, making sure that they're getting responses, clarity. Actually, I was talking to a company just this past week that they had some insurance things going on and they didn't know how to proceed with it and it was just a nightmare. But I love that they reinforced that, that. I mean, yeah, you want good affordable insurance, but you also want someone that when something happens, you know what to do and know who to get ahold of. Yep, the situation gets taken care of. Larry Hurt: Yeah, we've seen tons of examples of poor claim service. I mean, it's just, it's part of the industry. Some companies do it really well, some companies don't do it very well. What I love about ten four is their claims team handles their trucking company's claims as well. So they're not new to claims, they're not third party claims adjusters, these are guys that are handling claims for the trucking piece of ten four's business as well. So you can kind of trust them. And you, you have a good understanding of when they go out and adjust the claim. It's going to, it's going to be professional. Larry Hurt: It's going to be done right because they have a longstanding history of doing it. And that goes a long ways. Jared Flinn: So if you're listening today, and again, we know renewals come in at all times of the year, but you're in a Larry, what do they need to do? Larry Hurt: Yeah. So two things. The best thing that you can do is go to bulk, click the insurance tab, fill out that form. That'll cause one of our producers to automatically reach out, book an appointment with you, even if you're just out there checking. Right? Like, hey, I just want to have a conversation with somebody. I'm not, I don't know if I'm ready to renew or not, but that'll get the process started. Allow us to see what you have going on and make recommendations. The other thing you can do is you can email me [email protected]. Larry Hurt: get 20 minutes on my calendar and we can work together. And a lot of times what I'll do is I'll just consult. Hey, this is what I see. This is where I think you're doing good. This is where I think you could improve. Some people like that, some people don't. But it gives us an opportunity just to have a one on one conversation. I'm not selling you anything. Larry Hurt: I'm just going to look at your cab report. I'm going to ask you some questions, and I'm going to tell you whether I think we can do better or not. And if the answer is no, that's fine, too. Jared Flinn: We are passionate about helping people grow and make money, but we're just passionate about people saving money. Larry Hurt: That's right. Jared Flinn: And again, these are real dollars. Hopefully that we can save clients through the insurance process. So typically, like I said, we will make it as frictionless as possible. But reach out to us. It doesn't hurt to check it out and ask. We know that insurance is a pain in the butt process to do. Hard to switch. But again, again, we're talking real savings, real substantial savings, maybe in some cases. Jared Flinn: So reach out, see if we can serve you in that capacity. I think I'm super excited where this goes. Speaking of, I think these guys are going to be at our conference coming up. Larry Hurt: It sounded like they were going to be at the conference and, you know, it'd be good to hear from them directly. It'd be fun. Alex Petrovich: Yeah. Jared Flinn: Bulk freight conference April 16 through the 18th, 2025. The link is below. We're probably going to be mentioning on every podcast episode. We want to see you there. I hear it every year. This will be our third one. But after each one, I hear people that I wish I would have known about it, or I wish I would have came. I heard so many good things. Jared Flinn: I tell you, you do not want to miss this conference. It's going to be fun. It's going to be down in Branson. There's family stuff to do. We invite you to bring your whole family. It will change your business. I hear all the time people that we visit with Kelly Wilson, I was out in Kansas. He talked about the relationships he made. Jared Flinn: He talked about one of the speakers folks and what he learned from there and how he's now, he's trying to aspire to grow to that size business. So again, I know it's time out of your schedule, maybe time that you have to take the truck down for a little bit, but it will be an investment worth the cause. We're not doing this to make money. Actually, we don't even make money on this conference. We do this to promote our industry and help those out there. We know that this will be a ten x move. So make sure mark your calendars right now, April 16 through the 18th, Branson, Missouri bulk freight conference 2025. The link is below. Jared Flinn: You can purchase your tickets now. Early bird special right now, too. If you buy, go get them before the end of the year. So cool. Well, as we always close on all these podcasts, we want to open it up for prayer for those out there. We know that we're getting closer to an election and there's a lot of uncertainty out there. But one thing I want to mention, not even election related, this is something I heard a pastor say at our church this last Sunday. I just want to repeat this. Jared Flinn: He said sometimes our weaknesses are what God has gifted us for his glory. And I've really thought about that deep. And again, I think about like a lot of times, I know probably guys that listen to this podcast, people on the road, they can always think about like, what's wrong with me or why do I do this or I do that. But like think about a lot of your weaknesses are probably are, I'm pretty certain, are superpowers to glorify God. Larry Hurt: Wow, that's good. Jared Flinn: Yeah. So, man, keep that out there when you think about something that's wrong and think about how you can use maybe that weakness or you think of that weakness as some something to glorify the Lord out there, that's so cool. As always too. If you have a prayer or prayer request, we would love to pray for that. We do an honestly, we don't broadcast out there. It stays internal to this office. Simply send an email to prayer allow our team to pray over that. Jared Flinn: We would be honored to take those in prayer. And like I said, we get, I would say several every week and more and more at different times. So man, let us do that. Larry, I'm going to point this over to you if you want to close this out in prayer. Larry Hurt: Yeah, absolutely cool. Lord, thank you for this podcast and this mission. God, to serve your people, God, we pray for all of our listeners, God. And all of our clients and all the truckers out there, God. That they would be. That they would know you, God. That they would feel your presence, God. That you would be with them, that you would bless them, Lord. Larry Hurt: God, we thank you for this industry and that we get to be a part of feeding the world, Lord. And like everything God, we lift it up to you. These are your companies, these are your people, God and thank you for the opportunity to serve in Jesus name. Amen. Jared Flinn: Amen. Thank you as always for listening to the bulk loads podcast. If you haven't yet, just hit the subscribe button down in the lower hand corner. Also, if you know just one or two people that can benefit from this podcast, maybe you have a buddy out there trucking, his insurance has gone up, he's complaining about it. Simply send this over, just share this to your social media or you can click the share button and text it right over to them. Man we would be very thankful and honored if you could share to those out there that can benefit from this show. Thank you as always for listening and God blessed.