70% of American Grain Goes Through This Company

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Jared Flinn: You're listening to the bulk loads podcast, your number one resource for everything bold freight trucking. Jared Flinn: Hey, guys. Jared Flynn with the Bulk Loads podcast. Got Tyler with me? What's going on? Let's just kick it off with the truck feature. Tyler Allison: Yeah. So today, we have Josh Harther, I think is how you pronounce that, but Din Rich Reynertson: Yep. Tyler Allison: Kerr Trucking out of Akins, Iowa. It is a sharp rig yard. Jared Flinn: Yeah. Looks like this is a harvest picture. Yep. Coming in, Tyler Allison: it's always my favorite time to get truck pictures. I like the summer and spring ones, but always, I always like the harvest ones. I'm out in the field and working. Yeah. Jared Flinn: Yeah. Yeah. This is cool. I love, it it and at first time, I looked at it, and I was like, man, it reminded me of MKCs. If you remember the podcast I did at at the Mid America Truck Show Tyler Allison: Yeah. Jared Flinn: That blue color, and that blue has just grown on me. Yeah. You know? I always talk about if, we sometimes talk in the office. If we ever, had a truck, like, what our dream truck would be, what color it would be. And, I used to always say black, but I'm kinda leaning towards this blue. What what I don't even remember. What was yours? Tyler Allison: I think I'd have to go with, like, a white and orange, like, a classic look to it. Jared Flinn: So, like, white with orange fenders or the class the stripes? Tyler Allison: Or Yeah. Stripes. Oh, okay. It's like pinstripes going down it. Jared Flinn: If you're listening right now, drop down in the comments. I wanna hear, like and maybe what you maybe you are driving your dream truck right now. But if you could pick any paint scheme out there, what would it be? I wanna hear it. Actually, my older brother, we always talk about that too. If, like, if he had any paint scheme, you know, would you go with that old classic look or more of a new look, all one solid look? Tyler Allison: It's hard to choose because especially like you have one in your mind and you see like a rig going down the road and you're like, I don't know. I might go with that one. Yeah. That's it's constantly changing. Jared Flinn: And then the color of the hopper, do you go with just the classic white? Tyler Allison: Gunmetal gray. Jared Flinn: Gunmetal gray or Rich Reynertson: black. I Jared Flinn: don't know. That black on that blue looks pretty good too. So cool. Well, as always, we thank you for, sending these truck photos in. Anytime you can actually send them to us, best way to do it, [email protected]. Or any of our social media channels. Just post on there. Any way you can get it to us, whatever the easiest, less frictionless way to do it, we wanna feature them out there. Tyler Allison: So So thank you again, Josh. Member since 2019. We appreciate you supporting us. Jared Flinn: Awesome. Cool. Well, today, we have a treat for you. Today, I bring on Rich Reinardson. He is the CEO of Kaltura Technologies. Rich has been a dear friend of mine. We've known each other really for the probably past 10 years, I would expect. And, if you don't know who they are, you're gonna soon find out. Jared Flinn: But they touch a lot of grain in the United States. And when I say touch, touch it through their infrastructure and their software. A lot of big companies, agribusiness companies use their software, everything from the accounting system, ticket settlement, to truck tickets, all that goes through there. So, Rich has been a veteran in the industry and has a wealth of knowledge, and he is gonna unpack that for us today. And I love Rich's perspective. Sometimes we some of these podcasts, we come in and we get really nitty gritty. And I think this is one, in my opinion, is a little more macro, but really talking about industry wise. Yeah. Jared Flinn: And and I think you're gonna love to hear that. Yeah. Tyler Allison: That's a good point. I've got to I was really Culture sponsored the conference, so thank you guys, by the way, for being involved. But I was really, whenever I was talking to some of those guys at Kultura, I was, I didn't know all that they did. And just whenever, we got to spend a few days with Rich and I was just picking his brain, I was just in awe of everything that he was telling me. Rich himself has an extensive resume of just everything that he's been dealing with on the agri food side and, he unpacks it all in this conversation. Jared Flinn: Yeah. You know, a lot of our listeners may be older and, you know, one thing we hear a lot about is I'm not very tech savvy, and I even say too, like, I'm not very tech savvy, but we know technology is a huge part of any business today. Yep. If you're not adapting and learning about technology, especially softwares and solutions. And I think that's where as as sometimes as it may hurt your brain to when you get in thinking about technology and software and how that integrates, some digitization of everything. It's not it's it it can get complicated, but sometimes you gotta kinda zoom back out and really look at what's the purpose of this. Tyler Allison: Yeah. Jared Flinn: And, really, the purpose of a lot of this is, you know, creating efficiencies, saving time, and really becoming better in the processes that we do and really making global agriculture a lot better. Tyler Allison: Yeah. That's a great way to put it. One thing Rich said in the podcast, and, like you said, he has kind of a broad scope around it, but like there's a way bigger picture of why we're all in the ag industry. And that's, you know, talking about food security and, you know, Rich talks, globally, not just, you know, in America here, but yeah, his wisdom of just going over his experiences and what he's dealing with today, with all the companies that he he has his hand in is just really inspiring. Jared Flinn: Yeah. We'll unpack that at the end and and really kinda dive into some of those specific points. So with that said, here is my conversation with Rich Reinardson of Kaltura Technologies. Rich, thanks for coming and being in the on the podcast. Rich Reynertson: Yeah. Glad to be here. Jared Flinn: Yeah. I consider this really an honor and a treat, for you to come in and do this. You were at our whole freight conference, which, I saw you for a split moment, I think, at the, when at the food station, as we were getting food, but, it was very busy. And, I I was actually a little sad we didn't get to sit down and talk, but I'm glad you came back and are able to to be on the show today. Rich Reynertson: I'm glad I like like I told you, you know, ahead of time, a lot of your customers are, in an indirect way, are customers, and I always like getting, like, in into the seat of a customer and and, not being that familiar with the trucking part of it. Like I told you, I'd I'd love to come to the conference just, like, meet truckers. Yeah. Right? To feel what they feel and to hear hear how they talk about the industry. So it was, it was more of an honor for me to be at the conference. Well, thank you. Thank you for the invitation. Jared Flinn: Yeah. Absolutely. Well, I want you to talk a little bit about your story. You know, you and I, we've been communicating, I don't know, I would I would guess 8 to 10 years, off and on. You we got connected, I think, from a mutual, company that that we serve and you serve as well. And, that's kinda how it all started, but, I think we we saw that there was some similarities. We were serving the same client and, that there were gonna be ways for us hopefully to continue to work together down the road. But, before we get into that, talk about who well, I guess who culture is, but even start before that, because you've been in software and hardware pretty much most of your life. Jared Flinn: Right? Rich Reynertson: Yeah. I've with the, I mean, I could go way back. I won't go that. That part? We'll go there that if I I mean, I started my career writing game software for a Commodore 64, and some of your audience is probably old enough to know what what that is, the old Atari 1200. Jared Flinn: Oh, yeah. Okay. Rich Reynertson: Yeah. All that stuff. So sophomore my entire life and, raised in Northwest Iowa And, got my first lesson on who you are is who you are when nobody's looking. Working for a farmer taught me that pretty pretty clearly on, you know, just cause I don't keep my eye on you, doesn't mean you shouldn't be working. Jared Flinn: Yeah. Oh, that's good Rich Reynertson: with them. Age 11. Yep. Yep. So when your dad has to come pick you up from work, because they they found you goofing when nobody was looking. It's a pretty strong lesson, and it's nice one to have early on. Yeah. Right? On that on that side of it. Rich Reynertson: So, but software my entire life, systems engineering, application development, consulting, 1st 25 years. And then I kinda fell backwards into, agriculture. So my father was a minister, and he was in Southern Minnesota, and I just sold my 3rd business. Jared Flinn: At what age? Rich Reynertson: I was it was probably mid fifties, I guess. 3rd one gone. And, kids were getting into high school, and he said, you would you ever consider living in Southern Minnesota and raising your, raising the grandkids next to mom and dad. And we took a hard look at it, and I joined a small, company that was doing feed manufacturing software and feed nutrition software globally that was just getting into software, mostly manufacturing, and, went down there and eventually ran the business and, sold it to Cargill. So then I got sucked into the belly of the beast, so to speak. Yep. We had, almost 240 feed mills using our software in, North America and about 27 100 users of our feed formulation software globally. So I got I got to tour the globe in animal nutrition and animal feed manufacturing. Rich Reynertson: And, and then I got recruited by the current business that we're in. Culture was already formed at the time to run AGRIS, which was we acquired out of John Deere AGRIS Services back in 2,011 Okay. I think. And so I've been in that business since 2011. We've done 17 investments, and, we have about 3,000 customers in North America and Europe now as part of the culture of family of companies. Jared Flinn: I wanna back up a little bit in we talked about this at our conference. I don't know if I slung this one at Allen Ventures, you know, one of your counterparts. But talk about technology in agriculture kind of broadly. And, we talk, you know, we're in 2 spaces, bulk loads. We're we're in agriculture and in trucking. We always say that, man, we feel like we're behind all other industries when you look at FinTech financials and all that. But it always seems like agriculture is one of those 2 that seems like we're kind of behind the pace of other industries. But what's your take on that being in for most of your career? Rich Reynertson: Yeah. I don't know if we're behind most other, you know, businesses. Most I serve before I get into agriculture, I've I serviced mostly Fortune 100 companies. And, you know, once a a large enterprise makes an investment in technology, the last thing they wanna do is do it over again. Tyler Allison: Mhmm. Rich Reynertson: I I don't know if any large customer of ours whoever implemented a new accounting system, for instance, got done with the project and said, that was fun. Let's do it again. They usually wanna leverage that investment for 20, 25, or or more years before they replace it. Or if you're rolling out 5,000 PCs someplace, you can barely get them rolled out before the next version comes out. So how how long can you use that asset before you turn it over Yeah. Right, to to something else? So I I think, for me, it's it's more about what's the practical application of technology to accomplish some business task as opposed to technology for technology's sake. Yeah. And, anyway and so I think there there's a lot a lot of investment that happens in agriculture, ag tech in specific, but there's also a lot of wasted investment that happens. Jared Flinn: When you look at agriculture broadly and especially how you guys are involved, especially in the the grain and, and feed side, you guys touch a lot, a lot through the supply chain. Can you kind of talk about that? Because, you know, we have a lot of, trucking companies and freight professionals that listen to this podcast, a lot of grain merchandisers as well that probably know you, but, you guys are for especially our carriers that listen, They probably interact with your systems whether they know it or not. Right? Rich Reynertson: And in some way, shape, or form, we figure we touch about 70% of the grain that moves in North America. Almost 80% that moves in Ireland and the UK and almost 90% that moves in Germany today. So so in North America specifically, AGRIS is the flag ship ERP that we, sell and service into, into the North American market. But but the trucking probably touches our one way system, so at the scale. Yep. So when you you you pull up and you want a ticket, that ticket's typically coming out of one of our applications. Jared Flinn: And that technology really has advanced really a lot over the past 20 years. I mean, as far as like now we're there's automation done where some of these scales are manless. I mean, a lot of stuff done without anybody involved. Rich Reynertson: Yep. Yep. We're there's a ongoing project in Western Minnesota with, CHS to build a manless, scale. So you've got, no farmers that wanna drop off grain after work, and the elevator closes at 5 o'clock. How do they get in and out of that yard? Which bin do they put it in? How does it get tested? So, probing's been kind of an issue to do manless. So, but they'll they'll get that figured out at some point in time. Yep. Yeah. Rich Reynertson: That's awesome. But it's not not just the ticket. It's it's it gets probed, tested. It's gotta get to the right bin. It it also is usually a hold holding station someplace before it gets, get it gets routed out. And, of course, you gotta settle you gotta settle that against something. Yeah. Jared Flinn: When you're talking in just for our users, because you you mentioned AGRES, but, there's other, different level tiers systems too that are all kind of part of the same umbrella. Right? So Agris is kind of the flagship top tier, those interact CHS, bigger companies, but then you also have Rich Reynertson: Egg Agvision out of Ankeny, Iowa. Yep. It's a large farm scales. I I remember visiting a, an customer that was an ADM partner in Northern Minnesota one summer. Summer is the best time to do that, by the way, in Northern Minnesota. And and, I always like getting early and then driving around, looking at other the small towns and the feed mills or the agronomy stagings, you know, yards and whatnot that are there. And I noticed the terminal being built on a rail. And, I probably shouldn't mention the company's name. Rich Reynertson: So we sat there, and they're building a brand brand new office. And they said, wow. You guys must really be expanding. I see a terminal being built about 3 miles north of you. And he said, well, that that's not me. I said, well, who who's building the terminal? He's like, it's a farmer. I said, your your farmer's building a rail terminal? He's acquiring and storing a lot of grain for his or his, not not just his own grain, but for his customers. So I'm losing that part of the business. Rich Reynertson: So he went and bought an agronomy group so he could start selling more on the front end because he's losing the origination piece. When the farmer gets large enough to fill a unit train, it's kind of you know, an ag retail is going through. What what happens when the farmer becomes the agronomist Yeah. As opposed to needing those services from the local retailer? That's not gonna shift overnight, but you see it happening with some of the larger farms. Wow. Yeah. So it's it's changing quite a bit. Jared Flinn: Yeah. Well, let's let's expand a little bit then and just I I I wanna talk a little bit broadly about you talked about, technology solving a problem and not just having tech, you know, involved just because it's tech past 4 or 5 years with COVID, we've seen a huge digital revolution, you know, the way business has done in agriculture, specifically in trucking and supply chain, a lot of startups, you know, really over the past 4 or 5 years, some that have still kind of weathered the storm, some that had kind of fizzled, but I'd love if you could just your broad take on that. I think sometimes, you know, you see some of this happening, some of it may, could even potentially be, encroaching or could be competing with kind of your software or the service that you provide. I recently actually just kind of, commented or read an article on this, but like, man, it's like, you, you almost, sometimes you kind of worry about that. Like, man, it's, you know, some of the technology that I'm providing, is it gonna go stagnant or stale? But I I wanna hear your thoughts on that because it's sometimes it's like you wanna embrace it, but also, you know, what does this do for for the the services that you provide to clients? Rich Reynertson: Yeah. It's it's it's, I have a I have a biased view, admit it admittedly. So I my entire career has been technology, but I've never been cutting edge, right, on that side of it. You remember blockchain? Tyler Allison: Mhmm. Rich Reynertson: It's gonna change the world. Yep. You know, we survived the Internet revolution, and, the new thing now is AI. You hear AI being talked about on the news and everywhere you go. Yeah. So so back off from that a little bit. There was a large investment made by a really large company 10, 15 years ago that drove a lot of new investment in agriculture, and Silicon Valley started getting involved with agtech. And we saw, because we are investors in ag technology, we saw AgTech Investments kind of sky it did a hockey stick up till about 2022, and then it just dropped off dramatically. Rich Reynertson: There's not been a lot of really good exits. So so money Silicon Valley money, something like that that comes into ag, it needs to leave within 3 to 5 years. So they don't they don't really invest and hold for really long periods of time. They're not buying hold forever kind of, companies. They get in open to catch a wave, and then they'll make 10 or 15 investments, and they'll hope that 2 or 3 pay for the 8 or 9 that don't. Mhmm. That don't, that don't work out, and some have been successful doing it. But many more businesses fail than than actually succeed. Rich Reynertson: Like, I saw a statistic that said something like 4% of companies make it to 5,000,000 in revenue. Oh, wow. And and cut that to 10% to make it to to 10,000,000 in revenue. And and if you can't get your revenue stream up enough, then you can't you can't really reinvest then in next generation software. You get to a certain level, and then you're you're pretty much just maintaining. Jared Flinn: So not to put all those in a bucket, but, like, most of those companies, obviously, there's a lot of investment, a lot of movement. You get to a certain level, you gotta start producing producing cash flow and profit. And That's correct. Most of them, they just get to a certain phase, and I'm not saying it's poor management or whatever, but it just they realize that, hey. There's not there's not the opportunity. Rich Reynertson: Yep. Yep. I mean, it's it's, I I would imagine most people listening to this are thinking, you know, at some point I I think at your conference, you said the average age of a trucker is 54. Tyler Allison: Mhmm. Rich Reynertson: Well, I'm 62. You know, the closer you get to that 6 60 range, you start thinking about retirement. Jared Flinn: Hey, guys. I hope you're enjoying this podcast with Rich. Man, I consider Rich a dear friend over the years, and I've learned just so much. He has a just a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that, man, I've just soaked up from him. But one thing I've learned from Rich is really trying to figure out how to take less friction and pain points out of the process with merchandisers, you know, freight brokers and truckers working together. And that's why one of the reasons we have created bulk TMS, we actually are working with Rich and his team even, to connect bulk TMS into their services, and we're super excited about that. But if you don't know what bulk TMS is, it's a one stop shop where you can manage all your loads from a shipping aspect, takes all the pain points and friction points out of it. You can get rid of Excel spreadsheets and really have it all in one platform that connects with email, texting, tracking, dispatch, all that's document capture, ticket settlements. Jared Flinn: I can go through the list. But, man, we have built this to really simplify the process, make it super easy for shippers, brokers, and trucking companies to connect. Check out bulk tms dotcom. You can respond by culminating on this podcast. You can even email podcast at bulkloads.com. Just reach out to us. We would love to give you a demo and show you how it can simplify your process and really create more time for you to focus on growing your business and making more profits. Bulktms.com. Jared Flinn: God bless. Rich Reynertson: So imagine, and retirement gets funded partially through Social Security and partially through investments or pensions that you might have with the drive drive returns. But can can you imagine taking money out of an an investment and getting no cash flow for it? Just watching it just dither away. So I I always like to think if I'm if I'm today with interest rates or between 7 to 9%, I I can take money out and almost guarantee a 7 or 8% return. Right. So if I if I can't if I can't triple that return, why would I spend a dollar? Why why would I risk? Because you could you could you could you you'll if you're if you're trying to duplicate your 7% return and you're thinking you're gonna take your dollars out and invest 3 time take a third of it and invest 3 times, If you fail twice, you've gotta get a expected 25% return on all 3. Fail twice or the one, but that just gets you back to 7%. Yeah. That's slow. Jared Flinn: You coulda got it anyways. Rich Reynertson: You coulda got it anyways. Why why take the risk and the headache and the heart medicine or whatever else, right, that happens to deal with the wife who kinda goes, you idiot. What are you doing? Right? You know, on that on that on that side of it. And so, so I've always been served very well in my career by looking really hard at at the business. Say, if I was gonna own this forever, not buy it and flip it. If I was gonna own this forever, how would I set it up? Because it's it's gotta sustain itself. Mhmm. And and in agriculture, you know, we're we're, we're we're especially own it forever. Rich Reynertson: We're not a I always say we're the most important industry on planet Earth. Yeah. Right? Not outside of it. So we feed the planet. You know, there are very very few western countries produce all the food that they're gonna consume it themselves. Like, we're we're like the bread bread basket. And so if we don't if if we waste a lot of money, right, doing goofy things without really practically thinking about how we're gonna serve, you know, planet Earth, food security issues are food security is a nice way of saying people are starving to death. Yeah. Rich Reynertson: Listen, no nobody it's it's like hunting. Right? We don't kill animals anymore. We harvest them. Well, food food security is a nice way of saying, yep. People aren't gonna make it till they're 15, which is a sad sad thought. So Jared Flinn: You said 2 things, which is just a perfect transition into kind of our next conversation. Your age being 62, but then also, you know, food security in this important industry. We speak, I think, pretty periodically. I love we have conversations just about the industry and what we're seeing going on. I always man, I treasure those conversations that we have. But one of our last ones you were talking about this initiative and and, in my mind, I've the main thing I remember you said, just remember circles, not rows. But I wanna set the kind of tone for there, but talk about this because I think you're I mean, you're saying I mean, we're not getting any younger, but you're at this age where you wanna make an impact. Yeah. Jared Flinn: And we all do. I think most of us listen. Like, that I mean, it's really the goal and sometimes, I mean, we wanna have a good career. We wanna make money. We wanna serve, you know, our family and and the other community. But, like, I think at the end of the day, man, when I when I see Jesus, I wanna know that, man, I made an impact on this earth. But, that's when you when you were talking to me about this, that's what I heard, but take it from there. Rich Reynertson: So I was I was, given the gift of being able to run this organization, about a year ago now. So I would say that call culture as a collection of companies were, almost 17 years old, but we're 1 year young. So, we're, owned by a large public entity out of Canada, and, and, we acquire, strengthen, and build vertical market software businesses. We just happen to be in the agriculture, agri food space, and we and we own forever. Jared Flinn: Mhmm. Rich Reynertson: And every one of the businesses we try to prop up and have them run independently and have them be wildly successful in in, the the market that they address. And so that's that's the goal. Own forever. Make sure that they, become number 1 or 2 in the market that they address. Because agriculture is so, diverse. You know, see, some some some people will acquire a bunch of technology, and then they'll functionally integrate everything and under one brand and one platform, and it's gonna save the world. I don't I don't buy it from instance in agriculture. I think the a better tact is to allow folks to really service the part of the supply chain that they service, do it better than anybody else, but then act as a collective, as an ecosystem Mhmm. Rich Reynertson: Of of businesses. And so when I was given the opportunity to run this, I thought, wow. We we could do something special here. You think you think someone challenged me about a year ago and said said, you know, you think about your business and what breaks your heart. So what happened in COVID? I mean, what happened in COVID? Food security went from a 150,000,000 people to around 950,000,000. That's 800,000,000 more people on planet Earth are had food security issues when things shut down. We had we had the the supply chain got stuck. Right? Stuff got restaurants aren't taking anymore. Rich Reynertson: What do you do with £25 things of pork sitting in distribution when IHOP doesn't want it? Can't take it back and cut it into 1 pound packs and refill a grocery store. Right? So so when the supply chain, which is unbelievably efficient when it works and safe like, we do a really good job serving that, but but, but when COVID happened, it broke. And then and then it it caused me to think, oh, what happened when the Ukraine war broke out? The the wheat markets broke. Mhmm. And then energy, all that broke. And then the overspending we have in governments worldwide. Know, trying trying to fix economies, we got an inflation. Well, you you and I, Jared, and some people here might care, but you and I'm I don't know if I care if eggs go from $2 a dozen to $5 a dozen. Rich Reynertson: It's 10% of my discretionary income or less. Mhmm. But but, the folks in Haiti Care, right, when when they are trying to figure out how to buy food tomorrow because they ran out of money today, right, on that side of it. And so so I think we have some responsibility or accountability to make sure that our our food system becomes more resilient and more adaptable. And if you you're not gonna get rid of all the inefficiencies, but they said, well, if in in 10 years, we could look back and say, because of what we did, the movement that we start not just what we did individually, but a movement that we could help start. If we could if we could help the food supply, agribusiness and the food supply become more flexible and more adaptable and more resilient. We look back. So the next big issue that happens anybody believe the world's done with their issues? The next issue that happens, the next breakout, the next war, the more disruptive action that that happens, We can honestly say, look, we were back there when it began, and the instead of going from a 150 to 900,000,000, we went from a 150 to 250,000,000. Rich Reynertson: It's like we we were part of helping to create that. Although, how how would you do that? And I and I was really struggling with how do I get a bunch of independent businesses now acting as an ecosystem when they're not really motivated to help others? I I saw this inside of Cargill and loved Cargill. Loved my experience at Cargill. Every Cargill p and l every year competes for a limited amount of capital with every other one. Right. Yeah. I get the end of the year and kinda go, okay. I gotta get my capital budget. Rich Reynertson: Well, alright. Well, if I get part of it, that means somebody else doesn't get another part of it. I do well with it, they give me they take from the person who didn't do with cap well, with capital, and they give it to the person who did well with capital allocation. Makes sense. Jared Flinn: Yeah. Yeah. Right? The federal utilization of Rich Reynertson: If if if someone was investing my money and I have 5 people investing it, the one that did better is gonna get more money to invest next year than the one that did worse. Mhmm. Right? Makes sense. But the the the ag and even our companies, it's it's almost like we set up ecosystems, which are in the face of ecosystems. Jared Flinn: Yeah. It's Rich Reynertson: Like, the ego gets in the way of ego. And I thought, well, how would you do that? Like, how would you get independent companies working together? Whether I own them all and treat them independently, or they were part of a collection of companies. And I was explaining this to a group of CEOs I meet with in Atlanta. And the guy looked at me and says, you go to that large church over there, don't you? I said, yeah. He said, well, Rich, I'm not I'm not a believer, but I'm really interested in entrepreneurs. And this guy created, like, a top 25 church in in an area that really didn't need any more churches. Tyler Allison: Mhmm. Rich Reynertson: And And so I was really curious to see how they built that community. So I called him up, and I said, how did you convert so many people to Christianity? And he looked at me, and he said, that's not our job. It floored me as an outsider. Go wait a minute. The church's job is to create people to Christian, isn't it? He goes, well, it's not how we saw it. Our our job was to, create an environment for that to happen. And I went, oh, maybe I don't have to change people. Maybe I maybe what I should be focusing on is creating environments for change to happen. Rich Reynertson: How do you do that? Well, I I I believe, and I I think you and I are probably wired the same way, that people are built for community. Mhmm. So when you when you you can't trust people unless you connect with them, and you can't connect with them unless you're with them. It's still with them piece. And so so if if I if I wanted to create an environment where people would give up a little of their ego for the benefit of the ego, I gotta get people connected. Like and I I looked, and I go, how did they do that? And he goes, well, you tell me how they did that. You're going to that church. And there's a saying at the church, which I stole from a plagiarizer from Same here. Rich Reynertson: So, hopefully, I don't get in trouble for that. But circles are better than rows. Yep. What do you mean? It goes, well, we create environments to get people into the lobby. And once they're in the lobby, we get them into the dining room. And then once they're in the dining room, we get them into the kitchen. Because life happens in circles. It happens in the kitchen. Rich Reynertson: It doesn't happen in the lobby, and it doesn't happen on the street. If you can get people into the kitchen Yep. Right? Eyeball to eyeball, sharing their their concerns, sharing their praises, sharing the sharing lives together. Who do you call at 2 o'clock in the morning? Well, not the person you saw on the street corner. Right? To someone you have an intimate relationship. If you if you can help build connections, you can help build trust. And if you help build trust, you can create circles. And we thought, well, alright. Rich Reynertson: Let's let's give it a shot. So we're we're trying it. And it's like, how do we get how do we get in agriculture for food safety, they used to say one step forward, one step back. But I think the the the best or worst supply chain I saw in in agri food had 62 connections where a product gets made here and it changes hands 62 times before someone consumes it. Oh, wow. A lot of stuff doesn't go from farm to restaurant. Right? It goes through an aggregator and then a processor and a reprocessor, and byproduct gets made, and then it gets packaged and repackaged, and finally shows up on a tray at in the Delta Airline I just flew this morning at some point. But it came from all sorts of different places. Rich Reynertson: Right? A lot of people touched that piece of it. Well, you think, well, instead of one step back, one step forward, what if we brought people together from all parts of the supply chain? I can I can find a grain conference? I can find a nutrition conference. I can find a pet food conference. Mhmm. Where is the supply chain conference for agriculture or agri food? Not just CPG or restaurants or service stations or whatever it is. How would we pull a supply chain conference together? And so and so we we don't know. We just said, let's just start. We'll start small. Rich Reynertson: Mhmm. So if we could form a few circles with with the idea that it's about building connection, to build trust, to work on issues that we could practically solve as part of the supply chain with the idea that we we could use technology to create a more nimble, flexible, and adaptable workflow. Mhmm. As long as practical, we'd create the circle with the idea that would stay in place for 12 to 18 months. But on day 1, the facilitator's looking for the next leader of the next circle because we want that one circle in 12 to 18 months to turn into 2. So if we could start with 2 this year, next year, we'd have 4. The year after, we'd have 8. The year after that, we'd have 16. Rich Reynertson: And so by the time I left, we we we could have hundreds of circles formed. People getting together, building connection, working on, the resiliency and flexibility of the supply chain across North America and Europe. Then I could look back and go, you know what? We did something there. Jared Flinn: Yeah. And you've, you don't have to name names, but, I mean, you have you've started this and have had people that said, yeah, Rich, I'm in. I believe in this cause. Rich Reynertson: Yeah. We had we had what's interesting because we had, it was it was un unbeknownst to us. We we announced this last last bay, and a really large, producer of meat called called up and said, love the idea. We're all about giving back to the industry. We'd even work with our competitors. It's like, wow. That's pretty cool. And so we are 2 of our companies already serviced them in different parts of the organization. Rich Reynertson: They didn't know they were both owned by us because we go they go on different brands. And so, that individual organized, a dozen or so different people from different parts of the organization who don't necessarily already talk to each other, brought in 2 of our businesses, and they had a 2 2 day meeting, came came up with 22 ideas of things we could do to help them. And then afterwards, called up and said that, oh, we have these private meetings with our competitors, some other suppliers. Would you join those with us? So that that got kicked off. That's fun. We have a small group. It's a farmer, a malter, a supply chain individual, the head of a really large vacuum cleaner company that owns a really large farm. That circle is just forming in the UK where it was, love what you guys are doing. Rich Reynertson: How how would we start 1? Which which is fun. I've got invitation to one of the largest co ops in Germany to come over because their CTO said, saw what you guys are doing. Don't have any ideas now, but but we believe in collaborative supply chains. How how could we start something together? And so we're trying to get that set up for mid June. So it's just it's just beginning, which is which is fun. And I I told my team, hey. The competitor wants to let's just give them the framework if they do it. In fact, I was with a group of, co ops in Houston a couple months ago, and and I posed a question that maybe these co ops. Rich Reynertson: Right? And they'll have 15 different elevators. Do the elevator managers get together to form connection to talk about how to run a better elevator. Most of them don't. Right. It's like, why not why not form why not form a circle? I get y'all have common issues. I have got common problems. Why don't you show up at your job and go home at night? Or I'm a, I have a I have a lawyer that work works for me. Never had a lawyer that was actually an employee of mine before. Rich Reynertson: Usually, when I review lawyers, like an annual review, I'm I'm looking at invoices as if how how do you do how do you do career planning for a lawyer? I I don't know. There's too many lawyer jokes that that come to mind. And and but but but but she wants to be a better lawyer. And we're in a really large company, and I was on the phone call with her yesterday. She goes, oh, by the way, Rich, I reached out to 5 other lawyers. We're having our first meeting tomorrow. Wow. I said, you are she was I wanna form a circle. Rich Reynertson: I said, you do. Well, good for you. I go, it doesn't even have to be on on that that side of it. So if you guys are listening, it's just like, hey, around something common. Right? Because because it's, I I tell my team, you know, you you I I want this for everybody in I want this for you, Jared. I want this for everybody listening and for everybody that's in our business, whether individual contributor or they're a manager, a team leader, or they're a business owner, is I want them to be mature. What what does maturity mean? They know who they are. They know what role they play, and they're a positive influence in the community. Rich Reynertson: Right? Being to those 3 if you if you do the first two without the third, you might be raising a Hitler. Right? They know who they are, and they're really good at what they do, but they're not a positive influence. Right? You don't want that. Right? And however they define community. Yeah. It's e even outside of these industry circles, if we can get everybody thinking about, who am I really? How how did how did God wire me? What's my role? Yeah. Like, I'm a father. I'm a church member. Rich Reynertson: I'm a business owner. I'm the leader of a software development team. Whatever it however you define your role. And are you be are you a positive influence? Yep. Jared Flinn: This makes me yeah. This is so good. I I wanna chime in and talk about church. It made me think of, our pastor, has spoken this many times that, you know, I go to church in Branson just south of the year, and obviously there's probably 10 or 15 churches. And he's done this with other pastors. He's like, believe it or not. And he said this to the congregation. I mean, with other pastors, because we talk about, hey, what are best practices? How do we promote the churches in this community more? And, I mean, and and people can say, oh, that's easy if it's churches because it's, you know, you're in that environment. Jared Flinn: You can't do that with businesses. But, I mean, I'd say no to that. You can. But it's made me think he talks about, like, some of us would look at this pie and we think that, like, I gotta have the all of this pie, and we don't think of it. We think of it as a scarcity model and not of buttons. And the way he's always framed it to us is like, man, you when you think about, others in your space, whether you're competing or not, like, there's a big enough pie for everyone. Rich Reynertson: I had a, I had a really large, producer in the northeast and went up and talked to her. And and, she was she was put in charge of digitization of the group. Like, what's in the board report, we must be digitizing our company. Right? So we're gonna hire the head of digitization with a team of 0. She's running around talking to, you know, guys my age. They're going, I don't need to use that stuff. And I'll hang on. I got 2 more years of retirement. Rich Reynertson: Don't disrupt me. Right? I just wanna keep keep keep doing my thing. And, so we talked about forming a forming a circle, right, and getting things in place. And I just looked at her, and and I and I said, look. Go ahead. Why don't we just get let's get a few people from your group together and my I promise we won't try to sell you any software. It's it's we're not defined by our software. We're defined by the people who built it. Rich Reynertson: So people have skills, process, and knowledge that created Agris, that created one way. That skills, process, and knowledge can create other things. We are not the product that we sell in the marketplace. We're a collection of people that created the and that skills process and knowledge, Let me bring that to the table. We'll have a first meeting. We'll decide what we wanna do. We'll meet for 6 months. And, and then, if it's working, great. Rich Reynertson: And if it's not working, we'll just disband it. But if we come up with something that's positive, then, then I think we should move forward. And she said, well, how how would that actually work? I mean, what what do you wanna work on? I said, it's not what I wanna work on. It's what do you wanna work on? You have this objective. You say, I gotta come up with a digitization plan. Where where's where's the most pain in your organization? I'll even bring in some competitors if you want. And we'll we'll we'll get together. We'll help you define that you come up with a problem statement. Rich Reynertson: We'll help figure it out, and let's see what we come up with. I need 2 things from you. I I want I want you to come up with a problem statement, and the second thing is I want you to agree to pay it forward. She said, to do what? I said, well, did you join the industry to have a job, or did you join the industry to make a difference? Like, you wanna make a difference? Come join. I felt a little bit like William Wallace. Right? It's like, unite the Klans. Right? Come on. Help me unite the Klans. Rich Reynertson: We gotta go. Right? Then if you do it, I'd follow you. Right? Kinda kind of a kind of a thing. My, my my team is gonna see this and yell at me for but but, anyway, you know, it's a that that's a that that's what we want. And she looked at me and she goes, well, what if what what if we came up with an idea and we just took it around with it and you didn't get anything out of it? And I looked at her and I said, have I heard the industry? You think I do that often enough there'd be enough opportunity in there for everybody? Like, let's not get the lawyers involved. We don't have to sign an NDA. We don't have to create this kinda stuff. And you know what? If if, Barbara, if we come up with something and we believe we own it and you believe you own it and you run with it without us, I probably won't invite you to the next circle. Rich Reynertson: How about that? Yeah. Can we just agree on that? Let's just get going. Because we we got if we got a come come on. Jared Flinn: I think you're hitting the nail on the head what happens with so much. There's this, fear or worrisome that something's gonna be taken from you, whether it's your idea or thought or work you put in, and it's gonna be, it's like, it's a scarcity mindset. Somebody is gonna take that away from you and and and you won't get to have that. I mean, it's almost like Rich Reynertson: Well, it Jared Flinn: The fear you have to let go a little bit. Rich Reynertson: And you you asked the question about, like a disruptive technology that comes in and just takes us out. Do you have the fear of that? And it and it's every once in a while, it's, oh, look. Someone raised $50,000,000, and they're gonna clean our clock. And, like, re really because they have, like, 150 man years of software and 400 relationships in the industry, and they're gonna spend $25,000,000 a year in marketing and just take our customers? Because they don't like us anymore, and we haven't saved their bacon at 2 o'clock in the morning or when the trucks are piling up outside and we're there to answer the phone, they're gonna forget that. So so people don't we may get in there because of the software, but they they keep us there because of the way we treat them. And and you think, like like, a a new iPhone is just gonna take us out? Oh, maybe. But, you know, Uber didn't take out all the taxis. Hotels dotcom didn't didn't interrupt Hilton. Rich Reynertson: Hilton came up with their own website. Right? I mean, come on. It's like we got so walkway, E Trade, right, didn't take out Schwab. Right? Schwab just came out with their own website. I mean, come on. Really? Jared Flinn: It it's like it's My father-in-law who worked at Walmart, right underneath Sam Walton, he said Sam would always have these quotes. He'd say your competition will always make you better Rich Reynertson: as an organization. Absolutely. Jared Flinn: And, it was one when he always told me that and because I would he was a great mentor to mine, to me, and he'd tell me I'd tell me stories about, hey, this whatever next freight tech or blah, blah, blah, competitor. And he's like, Jared, your competition will always make you better. And it was always I mean, I Rich Reynertson: always got weird when there's no competition. It's like, wait a minute. We're like selling into something nobody needs because nobody else thought of it. Yeah. But Jared Flinn: I wanna a couple points and we'll kinda land the plane. I wanna go back to what you said because I think there is this fear that we have when we have these discussions. You gotta be a little vulnerable, but I think this fear of, like, of somebody's gonna take something from me. If I share something or if I get with other people, there's a chance that something might happen that that I won't benefit from, you know, whether it's monetary, whatever it is. But I think that in my mind, that's what I think stops a lot of this from going on. You know? And you talk about competition. A lot of people think I'm weird. A lot of times, I invited competition to our conference. Rich Reynertson: Absolutely. Jared Flinn: I want them to be there. Rich Reynertson: Yeah. Tell me what we need Jared Flinn: to be doing better. A lot of people, my my my, counterparts and and, other owners in in our umbrella of company, sometimes they question me like, why are you still talking to someone? So it's like, I embrace that. I wanna know. You know? And I think, I I I guess I've always just had that open mentality. So, I'm glad somebody else gets it. Rich Reynertson: So I was raised with, friends in the locker room, enemies on the field. Yeah. That's true. I was like, all the NFL coaches get together periodically. Right? Yeah. It's a you can be a fierce competitor and still be friendly about it. It's it's not all or nothing. Jared Flinn: Yeah. And I think you have to have that boldness to know that, that may happen. Like you said, that, somebody may take that and whatever, but next year or what goes around comes around, just remember that. And, I'm a firm believer in that too. Like, you know, if you take advantage, you know Well Rich Reynertson: and and and, you know, we've had some of these as we've implemented this, like, let let's let's see if we can, like, diminish the ego and support the ego. Or yeah. It was like and and, yeah, I even had, you know, one of my P and L leaders look at me. He was like, why why would I why would I invest time in that if it's if I don't get any return for it? And I just looked in my and, again, we have 11 businesses that all run separately in our in the culture portfolio. And I said, what's an interesting question? So, what would what would cause someone to give something of themselves, time, talent, or money, without expecting something in return. Kind of a person would do something that awful. And then I get this blank stare. It's like, would you actually sacrifice your time, talent, or money to benefit somebody else without knowing whether you're gonna get a bonus or a commission for it? Would you do that at work? You do that with your kids, wouldn't you? You do walk outside of a Walgreens. Rich Reynertson: There's a homeless person sitting there. You're gonna walk on by. You're gonna walk in store, buy a gift card, and hand it to them, or take them take them for some vehicle. Why why would somebody do something like that? Yeah. I don't know. Maybe you should answer the question for me as opposed to everything's not about a commission plan or a bonus plan. Some things are just the right things to do. Yeah. Jared Flinn: Well, another perfect transition into how we're gonna land this. I wanna first say first and foremost, you've been a mentor to me and and inspirational, with your faith in the workplace. It's something, you know, a little bit about me and something I've, I guess, probably been more bold in the later years. And I just wanna say you were an encouragement to me for that, some of our conversations, with our faith in in the workplace. And one of the reasons why you're here in town as a matter of fact, but I just wanna say thank you for that, and I think it's encouragement. I think, you know, you talked about giving your time, talents, treasures, and all that for you know, and we have the perfect role model, if we read, in the Bible that, someone that did that. And I just wanna say that, I think you're a reflection Rich Reynertson: of that as well. Well, it it's it's a, when you say that, it embarrasses me a bit because I don't think I am in that side of it. But I I guess the older I got, the more I the more I started to learn that, you don't have to be perfect to encourage somebody else. Yeah. You know, a lot a lot of time and again, I I look at, you you know, the perfect example is, as you know, you you find in the Bible that I have my dad. Mhmm. Right. Being the pastor, like, I'm never gonna live up to that. Rich Reynertson: And so why why try? Because I'm I'm gonna make mistakes. I'm gonna do stupid things. And, you know, every once in a while, I stay still every once in a while, almost every you still mess up. Yeah. And you think, what gives me the right to say that when I acted this way? And that that side of it, someone did a deep examination of my life. They'd find plenty of skeletons and stuff sitting in in there, and I I live because of the grace that was given to me, not because I'm mister perfect. Yeah. And that that side of it. Rich Reynertson: And so I think I think when we have opportunities to encourage others, we should. Yeah. Even even if people say, well, what gives you the right to say that because of a, b, and c in your background You got this stuff and and, and anyway so thank you for that, by the way. But it's it's, it's humbly accepted. Jared Flinn: What I think is, especially in your role, but, for me and doing this podcast for 6 years, yeah, you get to see the highlights and we know they're good, but, yeah, I I have the fights with my children and my wife, and I get jealous and greedy and and stuff like that. But I think Rich Reynertson: that's Not not everything's a Facebook page. Yeah. Yeah. Jared Flinn: But our listeners like that, man, we're we're just as real as everybody else out here. I think that amazing grace that we get, gives us the confident and hope that, that we can proclaimly confess, to our Lord and savior, and I know that we are forgiven for that. So but, I love that we've been able to have those deeper conversations, and I think when it we can talk about business all day long and and but, man, everything goes back to that and kinda why we live, and it all intersects together. And, I love how you've been a part Rich Reynertson: of that as well. Yep. Well, thank Jared Flinn: you for that. And feeling's mutual. Appreciate it. So, Rich, man, I've enjoyed this podcast. I know without a doubt, our listeners on this, have have enjoyed it well. So, man, thank you for making the trek up here to the Ozarks and, joining us on the bulkless podcast. Appreciate it. Rich Reynertson: Yep. Yep. You bet. Thanks for Jared Flinn: Thank you. Jason. Rich Reynertson: God bless. Mhmm. Bye. Jared Flinn: Tyler, absolutely love this podcast with Rich. And just a little bit of you know, Rich, we actually had dinner afterwards and talked even more and got to spend a couple days with Rich. He went to there was a men's faith conference, that and, well, you were there too Rich Reynertson: Yeah. Jared Flinn: That, that we went to. So, man, spending just really 3 days with Rich was just amazing to learn more about him and his family and kind of his passion and interest. And if I could say, in very least, man, culture affect but they picked the right person for the job Yeah. With his heart, his passion, his love for the lord, and people to get better. But, one small thing I was gonna say and and we said it on there, but, like, I love this new philosophy where he's really looking globally and, you know, how do we fix these problems or really talking about, you know, creating circles Tyler Allison: Yep. Jared Flinn: And really reaching, you know, not not not to get political, but reaching across the line, you know, with competitors and saying, hey. If we can work more together, we can solve these bigger problems and really be better for society for especially being in a central, industry such as ag, you know, food security and food production. Tyler Allison: Yeah. He mentioned the the whole thing of ecosystem versus ecosystem. I thought that was just a great, way to put it of how we can get caught up with the competition the day to day and you know, but we all have one common goal in the industry, serve others, you know, hopefully serve the kingdom of God and then also serve people and doing that in agriculture by, you know, transporting food, pet pet food products, stuff like that. Jared Flinn: I think one thing all in and and just to really wrap it all up in one thing, he really talked about, you know, when you're working with someone, if you have to get into the nitty gritty of the whole trust factor that they're gonna take something from you and run with it, man, you're already going kind of Yep. The wrong direction. Like, man, you have to trust people to get stuff done. And I know there's reasons for certain contracts and NDAs and all that stuff. I get all that, and I'm not against all that. But I think sometimes you have to make sure to just trust people like, hey. You can bring somebody in that you may be competing against and not be worried that they're gonna steal Yeah. You know, the whatever idea or whatever you're sharing with them to work against you. Tyler Allison: Yeah. Exactly. So one thing I thought was interesting that you post the beginning, too, Rich, is the common thing that we've seen. And I had the same thought of, you know, it seems like agtech is always falling behind or slower than like general freight or kind of the different industries out there. Big tech. Yeah. Rich kind of said, well, we're not really behind. Like, the technology is there but the adoption rate is kinda slower. Tyler Allison: And he put, quite a few reasons behind that but it's because it's a it's a long term investment and people, there's always a fear of changing systems and changing that over even if it does ultimately save you time Jared Flinn: and money. There's just a fear behind, changing all that. Yeah. So well, Rich, thank you again for the podcast. Man, this is a 10 x podcast Yeah. In my opinion. So without a doubt, I know, it'll get a lot of lot of listens and a lot of attention for that. So, again, Rich, thank you for that. Jared Flinn: Hey. I know we got a couple things. Don't jet out yet. Tyler, I wanna say kudos on this new shirt design. I'll let you hold up that in. But, yeah, like, check this out, man. This is, you know, back in the spring, I said, man, we every summer, we've kinda done a a different t shirt design. And our idea is we give these out for people to wear at family events, fairs, truck shows, you name it, anything, 4th July parties, river events, name it. Jared Flinn: But, you know, last year well, we did, we did the hoodie with a member, and I said, let's just keep going down that kinda so let's Yeah. Let's get a picture. So we had a bunch of people submit I mean, I don't know how many hundreds of photos. Like, it was kind of like I feel guilty. Like, you have to we have to pick 1 and not the others. But, yeah, our winner was Lance Doyle with AA Express. I think they're out of Tennessee Yep. If I remember right, but just awesome photo. Jared Flinn: And but I'll say this. I love this photo because you we got the the American flag with it. We got the faith aspect of it. We got the farming aspect and the agriculture. Dude, like, it's all in one photo. So, dude, this is, like, awesome. So if you want one of these, we have how many? 100 of these ordered. And we have them in this gray shirt, which is kind of a simple which I I I always like the colorful ones, but I like the gray because the red and the flag pops out, all this. Jared Flinn: But we also have orange. Tyler Allison: Blue. There's like the green one. Jared Flinn: Green one. Yeah. We have summer colors, but we have these free of charge. We wanna send to you as just a thank you. Again, we see this selfishly. If you wanna wear this and promote us, that's I mean, that's a thank you from us for doing it, getting it out there. So if you want one of these, comment down below and and request one of these. We'll drop them in the mail. Jared Flinn: We can get them out to you pretty quick. So you will hopefully have them by 4th July or before the end of the summer. Definitely get that. We have them on all sizes. I don't think kids sizes, but most of all your adult sizes. Tyler Allison: So yep. And whenever you get this, hopefully, we can get it to you before the 4th July. But if you, if you could, it would be amazing if you could post you a picture of you on social media of you wearing this shirt and simply tag our pages, and we'll reshare that on our pages. Yeah. Jared Flinn: Absolutely. Well, cool. Tyler, thanks for doing that, man. Yeah. You bet. Super excited. I know he'll be supporting Tyler Allison: it on on 4th. Other than that, Jared, we do have our TMS, webinar coming up here in a few months. It's gonna be at the end of August. We've had quite a few sign ups yet, which is really cool. So we many of you have probably seen a banner on the website there, up top promoting it. We've also posted on our social media channels, but this webinar, we've kind of gone over in the past. A webinar is simply just a, a video that you can basically watch, and it's going to be live. But if you can't make it live at the scheduled time, simply sign up anyway and we'll send you the recorded version. Tyler Allison: This is going to, basically just kind of give you a broad overview of our TMS system, our transportation management system, to make it more simple. It's going to show you how to control the entire freight life cycle on bulk loads. Jared Flinn: Yep. At the very least, tune in. You'll get something out of it. You can listen if you just wanna listen, but you'll be able to watch as well. If you sign up now, even if you can't make it live, you'll be able to get a recording of it. And, there's gonna be some really cool stuff Yep. On there. So cool. Jared Flinn: Anything else for you? Rich Reynertson: I don't think so. Tyler Allison: I think that's it. Okay. We got the, I eighty truck jamboree coming up here in, July 11th 12th. Hopefully, I got those dates right, But we are going to be sending our smart freight team up there. We're gonna have a booth and also, some bulk loads, some insurance guys. Just all members in the office are gonna go up there, and we'd love to meet you. If you're gonna be there, let us know, comment below on this video or simply just send us a email. We'd love to schedule a time to meet you. Tyler Allison: Awesome. Jared Flinn: Cool. Well, as we always close out of here, first off, we wanna let you know that if you are struggling out there, if you have a need, big or small, even if you think something that has been, on your mind, let us know. You can send a prayer request to prayer at bulkloads.com. We wanna pray for those. Believe me, prayers do work. Yes. Rich Reynertson: And Jared Flinn: praying does work. So do not be shy. Do not be fearful. Do not fear that it's gonna be, I don't know, vulnerable in any way. We take those prayers. We have a team that prays over them. It is confidential. We don't put it out for other people to view. Jared Flinn: So just trust in that. We want a prayer for you. Send prayers to bulk prayers at bulkloads.com. And then we'd be honored to be a part of that for you. So, as always, we do wanna close out here in prayer in prayer. And, Tyler, I'll kick this over to you. Tyler Allison: Sure. Lord, we come to you, today just to thank you and praise you, Lord, for all your many blessings that you've given us. Lord, we just, give a special thank you for, Rich Ryerson in coming on, our show and sharing his his wisdom and knowledge that you've given to him, lord. We just lift up all of our members, and viewers out there today with whatever they're going through, Lord. We ask that you just give them the strength and peace, to continue on, Lord, we ask that you just, that they are just bold enough to turn to you, and and Lord reach out to you with their problems. Lord, We ask that they just lean on you, Lord. We ask that whatever we do every day, there's no question or doubt in other people's minds that we are serving you, lord, and we are doing all that we do for the kingdom of god, lord. We ask that you just, keep everybody safe out on the road, lord. Tyler Allison: And we just love you and thank you. Amen. Jared Flinn: Amen. Thank you as always for listening to the Bulk Loads podcast. If you know someone that can, value from this, man, we'd be honored if you would share it with him. Thank you very much, and god bless.