Jan 31, 2025 at 03:22 PM CST
Donald Trump resumed the presidency last Monday and those in the trucking industry are keen observers when it comes to what he plans to do for them, or to them. A national trucking analyst, who is a former college classmate of Trump’s, said the president’s brash style could lead to unpredictable results. Most believe the president will ease regulations, especially environmental requirements pushed by the Environmental Protection Agency during President Joe Biden’s administration, and renew the corporate tax cuts first passed in 2017. Noël Perry, who runs the consulting firm Transport Futures of Cornwall, Pennsylvania, said Trump’s pro-business approach isn’t without risk. “We are in an extraordinarily risky environment,” Perry said during an appearance at the Freightwaves’ F3: Future of Freight Festival in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in November. “Whatever you say about the politics of Donald Trump, his management style is highly volatile and therefore risky. It may give better outcomes; it may give worse, but it’s highly risky. The supply situation and pricing situation in trucking is a mess right now, and the geopolitical situation is the worst that I’ve experienced since back in the Vietnam [War] days. |