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Tarps Plus Offers Free Tarps to Truckers

May 22, 2012 at 08:37 AM CST
A leading Tarp distributor is bartering tarps for shipments with trucking companies. Palmdale, CA (PRWEB) May 21, 2012 Bartering has become popular in the past few years due to the economy. Many people search for things to barter in order to save money. According to the IRTA International Reciprocal Trade Association, national and international bartering has seen major increases in the past several years. One tarp company has found a way to barter their product for something they need directly; tarps to be shipped. The idea came to the owner of Tarps Plus Michael Stein when he was going over his shipping bills. Although oil prices have only risen slightly, shipping prices have seen a major increase in the past year. He wanted to lower his shipping cost but didn't know how. As he looked out to his warehouse and saw pallet racks of truck tarps, he came up with an idea. Why not offer trucking companies truck tarps in exchange for shipments to customers. Tarps Plus manufactures trucks tarps and warehouses them all year round and some stock may sit for months. Trucking companies, like most businesses, need to turn a profit. As gas prices rise so do the shipping costs. Trucking companies need tarps to cover their shipments and the tarps can be costly. Although the tarps are heavy duty, they are an expendable item and need to be replaced periodically. The CEO and founder of Tarps Plus, Michael Stein stated, "We had the warehouse of tarps and the trucking companies that ship for us need them, so it was a no brainer." Another ironical twist is, the tarp company's new main headquarters in Texas we be next door to a trucking company. We have a feeling the two companies will be dealing with each other quite a bit. For more information about Tarps Plus barter program, please go to: www.tarpsplus.com or call: 1-800-838-3057 For the original version on PRWeb visit: www.prweb.com/releases/prweb2012/5/prweb9525682.htm View Original Post Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2012/05/21/prweb9525682.DTL#ixzz1vc5lecxg