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Some truckers to haul their most important load of the year for Wreaths Across America

Dec 06, 2024 at 10:50 AM CST

Hundreds of truck drivers will get behind the wheel later this month hauling, for what is for many drivers, their most important load of the year.

The drivers will be hauling loads for Wreaths Across America, the nonprofit that places wreaths on the gravestones of veterans. This year, more than 800 drivers will deliver wreaths to more than 4,900 locations across the United States and its territories. 

“This whole mission is a great mission but it doesn’t happen without the trucking industry,” said Courtney George, the organization’s transportation and industry relations director. “It doesn’t happen without trucking companies that are willing to say yes.”

The Maine-based nonprofit was founded in 2007, and since then, has orchestrated the placement of millions of wreaths on veterans’ tombstones. This year, the annual event is being held on Dec. 14.