Jan 31, 2025 at 03:24 PM CST
The growing threat of freight fraud in trucking has led to another effort by Congress to crack down on scammers that steal millions from legitimate brokers and motor carriers. Bipartisan legislation introduced in the House of Representatives by Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, Washington’s nonvoting delegate in the House, would give the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration more power over fake companies attempting to register with the agency. Specifically, the Household Goods Shipping Consumer Protection Act “would clarify that FMCSA has the authority to assess civil penalties against fraudulent actors that hold consumers’ personal goods hostage, allow FMCSA to leverage states’ enforcement of federal consumer protection laws related to the transportation of household goods and establish requirements to ensure that motor carriers, brokers and freight forwarders that seek registration are operating legitimate businesses,” Holmes Norton said in a statement. |