Home > Loads > Grain, Feed Ingredients & Fertilizer Loads in Kentucky

7 Listings (49 Loads) Out of Kentucky
Trailer Type: Walking Floor

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Louisville, KY
Hello,   I have a customer with steady volume out of the Louisville, KY market.  They have relatively short lead times with getting me load information so I need to build my available capacity to assist them in their operations. If you have tanker trailers in your fleet, please send me your information.    I cannot use tankers used in PETROL. Most loads are liquid fertilizer (28%), AGRI-SWEET, or liquid carbon.  The going rate to carriers so fa
Louisville, KY Hello,   I have a customer with steady volume out of the Louisville, KY market.  They have relatively short lead times with getting me load information so I need to build my available capacity to assist them in their operations. If you have tanker trailers in your fleet, please send me your information.    I cannot use tankers used in PETROL. Most loads are liquid fertilizer (28%), AGRI-SWEET, or liquid carbon.  The going rate to carriers so fa
Louisville, KY
Message me if you have available capacity 
Louisville, KY Message me if you have available capacity 

Load Info Poster Info Leads Origin City St Dest City St Bounce Start End Lds Rate Product Equip Miles Added Security Carriers Posted By Actions
Hopkinsville, KY   Login
Dist: 249mi S,  
1 ld - 3/28 to 3/28, B, H, HHS, HLS, WF
Dist: 249mi S
Hopkinsville, KY KY Login XX 3/28 3/28 1
Login Belt, Hopper, Hopper High Side, Hopper Low Side, Walking Floor Login
Dist: 249mi S
Lexington, KY   Login
Dist: 594mi E,  
20 lds - 3/31 to 4/30, Live Bottom,Walking Floor
Dist: 594mi E
Lexington, KY KY Login XX 3/31 4/30 20
Login Live Bottom, Walking Floor Login
Dist: 594mi E
Lexington, KY   Login
Dist: 604mi E,  
20 lds - 3/31 to 4/30, Live Bottom,Walking Floor
Dist: 604mi E
Lexington, KY KY Login XX 3/31 4/30 20
Login Live Bottom, Walking Floor Login
Dist: 604mi E
Greensburg, KY   Login
Dist: 317mi SE,  
5 lds - 3/25 to 4/24, B, H, HHS, HLS, WF
Dist: 317mi SE
Greensburg, KY KY Login XX 3/25 4/24 5
Login Belt, Hopper, Hopper High Side, Hopper Low Side, Walking Floor Login
Dist: 317mi SE
Louisville, KY   Login
Dist: 153mi S,  
1 ld - 3/24 to 3/31, Belt,End Dump,Walking Floor
Dist: 153mi S
Louisville, KY KY Login XX 3/24 3/31 1
Login Belt, End Dump, Walking Floor Login
Dist: 153mi S
Hickory, KY   Login
Dist: 294mi E,  
1 ld - 3/24 to 4/23, Belt,End Dump,Walking Floor
Dist: 294mi E
Hickory, KY KY Login XX 3/24 4/23 1
Login Belt, End Dump, Walking Floor Login
Dist: 294mi E
Fountain Run, KY   Login
Dist: 407mi SE,  
1 ld - 3/19 to 4/18, Belt,End Dump,Walking Floor
Dist: 407mi SE
Fountain Run, KY KY Login XX 3/19 4/18 1
Login Belt, End Dump, Walking Floor Login
Dist: 407mi SE