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Tankers Load Board Rates

Jul 21, 2023 at 08:54 AM CST
+ 21 - 3

I cannot believe some of the rates I have seen posted for tanker loads. I want to thank all who are not afraid of posting their rates. But you need to always post the product also. I just took delivery of 6 chemical tanks Tremcars, 5500 hundred gallon, got everything. $118,000 a piece, had a fifteen thousand dollar ajustment form the time I ordered till delivery because stainless went up, along with everything else. Then add hydraulics, pump, 4 chemcial hoses, Stainless Steel Cabinets, Signs and they were on order for 2 years. And someone wants to move their product for a nickel a gallon. Rates are coming down while everything is going up. I have called on Orange truck loads, how do they? Food grade loads seem to be even worse, that is even more hard for me to understand, stainless steel pumps are 10 to 15 thousand dollars just for the pump. I have been blessed getting into liquid when I did, but I want to stay in it. I rarely use a Broker, I have not been a paying member here for several years till last spring sometime and I was interested in watching broker loads and rates. Even signed up for C.H.Robinson, seems to have been a waste of time. No gottem square trailer. When I started trucking in 1977 pulled a wind wagon, we took fly ash west to the oil fields, then went to Carlsbad for potash paid good, after deregulation the potash was hauled by hoppers and rates totaly went down because Billy would haul it cheaper than Fred and John would haul it cheaper than Billy and on and on until no one would haul it. Took 2 or 3 years to work out. May still be bad, don't know. But it all starts with someone hauling a cut rate load. Don't even get me going on the word BACKHAUL. Everyone wants the government to do something, are they nuts, look what this government is doing. Its up to you. The Captain of the motor boat to let it sink, or fix it so it doesn't sink. Don't move it cheap. I can't, period. I would get my stuff dirty. Then how would I wash it? Takes money to do that if at home or Blue Beacon.

Justa rant


Bessie Liquids

Replied on Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 12:07 PM CST
- 1

Good Morning Paul, I totally agree, it seems we are in a race to the bottom. There is a guy at KAG named Tim Green who advertises, " Book Your Backhauls Now". Liquid Dispatch markets theirself as a backhaul broker, then there is a load board called Backhaul Direct..UNBELIEVABLE🤦

Replied on Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 01:12 PM CST

As a Broker I understand this. I battle with customers and their low rates all the time. It gets frustrating being new with this Brokerage and looking foolish to carriers when I tell them what my customer is paying. I am always transparent with my rates with carriers, especially when my customer will actually tell me what they pay.

I do what i can but am pretty much as the mercy of what a carrier needs and what a customer is willing to pay. I am hoping after Q3 is up these contracts will be reviewed with various other brokers and customers and they can start bringing the cost up so it makes sense.

Replied on Sat, Jul 22, 2023 at 10:32 PM CST
+ 1 - 1
Quote: "As a Broker I understand this. I battle with customers and their low rates all the time. It gets frustrating being new with this Brokerage and looking foolish to carriers when I tell them what my customer is paying. I am always transparent with my rates with carriers, especially when my customer will actually tell me what they pay. I do what i can but am pretty much as the mercy of what a carrier needs and what a customer is willing to pay. I am hoping after Q3 is up these contracts will be reviewed with various other brokers and customers and they can start bringing the cost up so it makes sense. "

Hello Maria, I've done quite a bit of work for y'all, and KAG has been pretty good over all. It's just not a good time right now. Good luck over there, tell Emily hello, and tell Ron Pitz to answer the phone! 🤦😂😂😂

Replied on Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 08:56 AM CST
+ 1

Emily helped train me!

I will tell Ron! lol.

Both great people. My experience so far with KAG has been positive. I just love being in the freight world again.

Replied on Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 03:03 PM CST
- 1
Quote: "Just going to put this out there, so I hope no one gets butt hurt! 1977 was a long time ago. I started in 1987. Back in those days, when you told someone you were a truck driver, they looked at you with respect and knew you had a tough job! Today, if you tell someone you are a truck driver, they look at you like you are a piece of garbage! I believe that the loss of respect for our industry goes hand in hand with the loss of respect in society. I too, remember deregulation. My brother, who started driving in 1978, hauling one way grain from the dakotas to Duluth Mn was making more money than most drivers make these days running coast to coast. In my 30+ years in this industry, I have seen a lot of changes. The one thing that personally has not changed for me is that I have never believed in the word "backhaul"! Every mile has a static cost fixed to it! It does not mean that those miles magically get cheaper when the "backhaul fairy" arrives with a load! Just last week, I picked up some salt loads and had the opportunity to haul corn toward the salt mines, BUT the rate was so poor, we drove past it and went to grab the salt. I applaud you sir for building a solid business and being in business for all these years! I feel the pain every year when one of my customer reps retires and someone new comes in to take their place. Seems that the new generation has no loyalty to the old school ways of business. I'm sure we conduct business the same way, honest, fair and with open communication lines! I am not sure how many years I have left in this chair, but I am sure interested to see where this industry leads us!"

BTW, this is Keith with ET Trucking.

Replied on Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 03:07 PM CST
+ 1 - 1

Just going to put this out there, so I hope no one gets butt hurt! 1977 was a long time ago. I started in 1987. Back in those days, when you told someone you were a truck driver, they looked at you with respect and knew you had a tough job! Today, if you tell someone you are a truck driver, they look at you like you are a piece of garbage! I believe that the loss of respect for our industry goes hand in hand with the loss of respect in society. I too, remember deregulation. My brother, who started driving in 1978, hauling one way grain from the dakotas to Duluth Mn was making more money than most drivers make these days running coast to coast. In my 30+ years in this industry, I have seen a lot of changes. The one thing that personally has not changed for me is that I have never believed in the word "backhaul"! Every mile has a static cost fixed to it! It does not mean that those miles magically get cheaper when the "backhaul fairy" arrives with a load!

Just last week, I picked up some salt loads and had the opportunity to haul corn toward the salt mines, BUT the rate was so poor, we drove past it and went to grab the salt. I applaud you sir for building a solid business and being in business for all these years! I feel the pain every year when one of my customer reps retires and someone new comes in to take their place. Seems that the new generation has no loyalty to the old school ways of business. I'm sure we conduct business the same way, honest, fair and with open communication lines! I am not sure how many years I have left in this chair, but I am sure interested to see where this industry leads us!

Replied on Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 07:05 PM CST


Evidently there are some VERY desperate carriers out right now. I'm amazed at the rates being offered right now. I can't see the folks hauling some of these loads are staying in business. I've considered calling the "orange" company myself, but at the end of the day decided it wasn't even worth the time. ( I used to compete with them on a could of lanes and their rates were higher then mine last year, but their service was aweful.)

While the chemical side is slower this year, the FG side has been busier then ever and the rates are still somewhat strong. We tend to focus of hazmat food grade work and keeping our service level high.

I guess we'll see how things shake out this year.

Replied on Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 08:24 AM CST
A shipper that i hauled dedicated for last year made out like they were doing me a favor for a back haul at a 3rd of the rate. The company owner i leased my truck to said I was going to the same place anyway and the few times I let it slide the next day loads would cancel. Not the best time to do it but it didn't take long to decide to unlease my truck
Replied on Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 10:26 AM CST
+ 1
Think over half the loads are bogus i have requested information on several loads and received not a single reply
Replied on Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 02:46 PM CST
+ 1
Quote: "Just going to put this out there, so I hope no one gets butt hurt! 1977 was a long time ago. I started in 1987. Back in those days, when you told someone you were a truck driver, they looked at you with respect and knew you had a tough job! Today, if you tell someone you are a truck driver, they look at you like you are a piece of garbage! I believe that the loss of respect for our industry goes hand in hand with the loss of respect in society. I too, remember deregulation. My brother, who started driving in 1978, hauling one way grain from the dakotas to Duluth Mn was making more money than most drivers make these days running coast to coast. In my 30+ years in this industry, I have seen a lot of changes. The one thing that personally has not changed for me is that I have never believed in the word "backhaul"! Every mile has a static cost fixed to it! It does not mean that those miles magically get cheaper when the "backhaul fairy" arrives with a load! Just last week, I picked up some salt loads and had the opportunity to haul corn toward the salt mines, BUT the rate was so poor, we drove past it and went to grab the salt. I applaud you sir for building a solid business and being in business for all these years! I feel the pain every year when one of my customer reps retires and someone new comes in to take their place. Seems that the new generation has no loyalty to the old school ways of business. I'm sure we conduct business the same way, honest, fair and with open communication lines! I am not sure how many years I have left in this chair, but I am sure interested to see where this industry leads us!"

Hey Ed, I completely understand where you're coming from. Hopefully I can respectfully provide a little insight from a broker's POV. The rates are so poor because that is the only rate the shipper's will pay. If we try to raise a rate or quote it any higher than the price they already have decided on, we will be dropped immediately and will not get the load. They will simply jump to the next trucker who will make it happen for dirt cheap. It's sad, but as long as there are trucks running for the lowest possible rate, then shipper's will hunt them down. Right now we are locked in a race to the bottom, and everyone but the shippers suffer. Until all trucks start refusing bottom of the barrel pricing, then it will stay the same. Brokers will forever lose to the next bottom feeder, etc. I know plenty of good people on my side who have a great respect for drivers, many with family ties in trucking, but no one I know is personally lowering these rates...it's just supply and demand. That's why I do everything I can to only work with shippers who understand the importance of service, and know they will get what they pay for. With all that being said, I mean no offense and have a great respect for you for running so long sir! You've seen a hell of a lot in your time.

Replied on Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 07:15 AM CST

O by the way Bulk Loads my sister Joy and her son Drew had a great time at the ball game in Springfield. Drew really enjoyed meeting the retired pitcher from the majors. Drew is a right fielder for small college that has made the world series twice now, made it to 4 teams this year before lost.


Replied on Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 07:15 AM CST

Thanks for the replies Guys

Have a friend, yes I have one, that got into the alcohol business. Liquid Corn, and the rates are everywhere. New trailer with Food Grade pump and Cabinet $135,000 from factory. He has been talking a lot to himself these days. My dispatcher is on vacation for 2 weeks, what was I thinking, and I have been trying not to screw things up.

I'm gone

Replied on Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 09:23 AM CST
Quote: "Hey Ed, I completely understand where you're coming from. Hopefully I can respectfully provide a little insight from a broker's POV. The rates are so poor because that is the only rate the shipper's will pay. If we try to raise a rate or quote it any higher than the price they already have decided on, we will be dropped immediately and will not get the load. They will simply jump to the next trucker who will make it happen for dirt cheap. It's sad, but as long as there are trucks running for the lowest possible rate, then shipper's will hunt them down. Right now we are locked in a race to the bottom, and everyone but the shippers suffer. Until all trucks start refusing bottom of the barrel pricing, then it will stay the same. Brokers will forever lose to the next bottom feeder, etc. I know plenty of good people on my side who have a great respect for drivers, many with family ties in trucking, but no one I know is personally lowering these rates...it's just supply and demand. That's why I do everything I can to only work with shippers who understand the importance of service, and know they will get what they pay for. With all that being said, I mean no offense and have a great respect for you for running so long sir! You've seen a hell of a lot in your time."

What goes up must come down. That door has swung both ways in recent years.

Replied on Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 12:22 PM CST
I won't say the company but there's a $3.27 HAZMAT tanker load on here right now. Friggin hazmat. Wind wagons (as you call them 🤭) is in the pooper too. I wanted to get a new 1600cf pneumatic and the bargain basement no frills trailer was 125k.
Replied on Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 12:22 PM CST
+ 1
Quote: "What goes up must come down. That door has swung both ways in recent years."

Absolutely. Hopefully shippers will start forward thinking to the future for when the tides turn. I think we'll see a lot more brokerages and rock bottom carriers go under before that happens though.

Replied on Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 12:57 PM CST
Quote: "I won't say the company but there's a $3.27 HAZMAT tanker load on here right now. Friggin hazmat. Wind wagons (as you call them 🤭) is in the pooper too. I wanted to get a new 1600cf pneumatic and the bargain basement no frills trailer was 125k."

I’ve got a quote on a 1600cf MAC for $108k if you are interested, I am sure they would order the same for you
Replied on Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 01:44 PM CST
Great post. I don’t think it’s a rant, but sure was spot on. Makes you wonder where this show is truly headed. Stay tuned hold on tight, we are just at the first intermission.
Replied on Tue, Aug 08, 2023 at 12:58 PM CST


Replied on Sat, Aug 12, 2023 at 05:53 PM CST

Do those trailers have the previous owners unit numbers in an oval sticker white background and black numbers on them by chance?
Replied on Fri, Sep 01, 2023 at 08:27 PM CST
+ 1

When the prices shot up during Covid there was significant uncertainty and lack of capapcity in the market. People talked and people saw how much drivers were making in the tanker market. Everyone and their brother hopped into the market and made money.

They might have had to take on loans that were expensive, equiptment that was overpriced, but they saw the numbers and did it. Since so many people did this the tanker supply increased. Also, lead times for new tanks were 3 to 5 years. Many of the large companies have finally recieved their tanks.

Now that we have made it past covid and interest rates increased made the demand fall. This made the drivers who took bad loans/ got in over their heads struggle. They are focused on making the base payments and are forced to make money. They don't have the choice to park their trucks and wait for the market to improve.

This is what resulted in the race to the bottom we are observing.

Once they finally close shop and supply of trucks tighten then rates will normalize.

Falling rates occured across the whole market tankers included.