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Someone smarter than me......

Feb 15, 2025 at 07:54 AM CST
+ 4

So reading through the articles that bulk loads sends out, one a few days ago stated there's an oversupply of trucking capacity. This morning they have an article saying we're short 24k drivers costing 90+ million a week. WTF. How do you have an oversupply of capacity and a shortage of drivers? This makes no sense to me.

Replied on Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 08:02 AM CST

It's a great question! I use the the total truck supply to demand as the true indicator. It is a much better macro indicator than companies reporting driver shortages

Replied on Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 08:06 AM CST

99% of articles that say anything about driver shortages use the ATA as their source. The mega carriers consider empty trucks a driver shortage. And they will buy more trucks than they need simply to perpetuate their lies. The ATA needs to change their name to the MCC (Mega Carrier Cartel) their sole goal in business is exterminate enough small carriers that they can set prices and control the entire industry. Once all the competion is gone they will hand control to the Gov. and end another freedom.