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Samsara is blackmailing me, help!

Mar 21, 2025 at 06:26 AM CST
+ 2
Samsara has some cool products. I like them (the products). However almost 2 years ago I decided to stop using their services because of money issues. I forgot to cancel last March. I didn't have enough money to pay the renewal fee so just days after I received the renewal, I asked to cancel. The first outrageous part is they wouldn't listen. I hadn't logged into their portal for forever. Finally for $800 I could cancel. My subscription for the year was $800. Part of the cancellation was that I could not say anything bad about their company. I unwisely declined thinking if I have to pay this evil company $800 no matter what, I wanted to keep my right to share my story. Fast forward to today. They auto renewed after I specifically requested that they wouldn't and received emails saying they wouldn't, granted it is now under $200. Different deal, (they claim it's the same) cancel for $0 but I am: "to remove and make unavailable to any third party any comments, posts, communications, or other statements made by Customer prior to the Effective Date that disparages or would reasonably result in the disparagement of Samsara or its Products, and (ii) to refrain from making any such statements on or after the Effective Date." How evil is that? Please help, I don't have money to fight them on this. Out of principle, I can't let them get away with this. Jeremiah Clark 208-221-5338
Replied on Fri, Mar 21, 2025 at 08:17 AM CST

Ok, the only way a company or individual can can prevent another company or individaul from talking is with a legally binding N.D.A. which normally includes a health pay off. They still took your money and want you keep quite F#%$ them!!! Start with a Complaint to the BBB, then a negitive review on Google, TrustPilot and any other forum you are on. It is your right as a consumer to voice your opinion about a business, either +/-, you might be suprised how many people have had similiar issues with SAMSARA. Sounds like class action lawsuit type of situation.

Replied on Sat, Mar 22, 2025 at 12:11 PM CST

What is 'Samsara'?

Replied on Sat, Mar 22, 2025 at 03:36 PM CST
Quote: "Ok, the only way a company or individual can can prevent another company or individaul from talking is with a legally binding N.D.A. which normally includes a health pay off. They still took your money and want you keep quite F#%$ them!!! Start with a Complaint to the BBB, then a negitive review on Google, TrustPilot and any other forum you are on. It is your right as a consumer to voice your opinion about a business, either +/-, you might be suprised how many people have had similiar issues with SAMSARA. Sounds like class action lawsuit type of situation. "

I had a similar instance with samsara where we paid what was owed and then when we came time to get our ifta miles from them they wouldn't give them to us unless you subscribe for another year. so I would join any class action suit against Sam Sarah tomorrow

Thank you

Mickey Howe

813 267 0023

Replied on Sat, Mar 22, 2025 at 06:29 PM CST
Quote: "What is 'Samsara'?"

Dash Cam ELD company. They cater to mega carriers, but break it off in small companies.

Replied on Sun, Mar 23, 2025 at 01:14 PM CST
+ 1
Cancel the card the payment is on and report as fraudulent charges