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Hominy feed

Aug 07, 2024 at 08:20 PM CST
+ 5

Anyone hauled Hominy cattle feed in a hopper? How does it unload? I have heard horror stories about DDG and Soybean Meal in a hopper. Currently pull a belt but wondering about a hopper. Lots of back hauls won't unload off of a belt. Only want hoppers. 

Replied on Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 07:46 AM CST
+ 1
Comes out very hard and if you're picking up in Bunge Danville IL OH HELL NO!
Replied on Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 07:46 AM CST

We haul it and dont have any issues. We also have viberators on our trailers.

Replied on Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 08:33 AM CST

Hello, Hominy is nothing more then a white Corn and is heavy and flows with no problem. DDG and Glutten they are very sticky and most Hoppers wont haul it!! You take care!!

Replied on Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 11:00 AM CST
+ 1
Quote: "Comes out very hard and if you're picking up in Bunge Danville IL OH HELL NO!"

Please expand on the reason it comes out hard. I know on the DDG if it is loaded when fresh and still warm it will set up like concrete dust. I load at Bungee Atchinson KS with my belt.

Replied on Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 11:00 AM CST
Quote: "We haul it and dont have any issues. We also have viberators on our trailers."

What size doors on your hoppers? Ag hoppers or Commodity?

Replied on Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 11:00 AM CST
Quote: "We haul it and dont have any issues. We also have viberators on our trailers."

Also what size trailers and how much can you load?

Replied on Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 09:40 PM CST
Quote: "Hello, Hominy is nothing more then a white Corn and is heavy and flows with no problem. DDG and Glutten they are very sticky and most Hoppers wont haul it!! You take care!!"

Very true. My drivers would rather haul Hominy vs DDGs any day.

Replied on Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 09:40 PM CST
Quote: "Also what size trailers and how much can you load?"

We haul 24 to 27 ton depending on the weight of truck and trailer. 43 ft x 96 x 79

Replied on Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 09:40 PM CST
Quote: "What size doors on your hoppers? Ag hoppers or Commodity?"

Ours are commodity hoppers. They are 30x52 doors. We customize all our trailers when we have them built due to what we know we will be hauling.

Replied on Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 08:59 PM CST
I haul both on a regular basis. Never had much problem with hominy. Never dropped it anywhere but on the farm. That can be a challenge sometimes. Flows out ok. Hauled it hot and cold. SBM typically high humidity doesn’t want to start , but then comes out ok. If you’re thinking about a hopper to haul what ever comes your way? Get a 43x78x102. That’s what I have always run. I’ve got the commodity hoppers , big doors and vibrators. I see guys struggling with ag hoppers way too much. As far as DDG? Just don’t try to haul it when the temp gets above 90. That crap will make you lose your religion. But……….if that’s all that’s out there? Suck it up buttercup or go get a dry van and bump docks😂
Replied on Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 08:59 PM CST
Quote: "Comes out very hard and if you're picking up in Bunge Danville IL OH HELL NO!"

Pulled a lot of loads out of there. Never had an issue unloading the product. Now that cranky old guy on day shift? You must take offense at the way he snatches the door open and growls “where’s your paperwork “😂