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Communication skills

Mar 19, 2025 at 03:19 PM CST
+ 12

Anyone else seeing the lack of communications skills in this industry? I can not tell you the amount of times in the past month that I have called and emailed people who I have worked with for years and have been totally ghosted! I'm a big boy and can handle it if you don't want me to have a load you have, just don't waste my time calling and emailing! Have the decency to just tell me. Seems the world has either forgotten how to talk or has lost it's balls to tell it like it is!!!!

Replied on Wed, Mar 19, 2025 at 08:20 PM CST
I'm a small carrier, and I wear all the hats. Making time for better communication is a real struggle for me. However, if they don't want my business, I'm on to the next one. Make America Honest Again
Replied on Fri, Mar 21, 2025 at 07:47 AM CST
+ 1

I think it has something to do with the generation that we are dealing with today. Their is no loyalty left in this business. Customers (shippers) are using carriers mainly based on price and not on service. It doesnt matter anymore about the great service you have given them in the past. They will choose someone else if it saves them $1 per ton on shipping. Then then they are the first one to complain because the carrier that they hired is not doing a good job. We have just come to the conclusion to stick with our prices and service that has gotten us this far and let the Lord take care of the rest.