Jan 13, 2025 at 10:54 AM CST
+ 9 - 6
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
To all my fellow freight brokers this is a warning. Do not do business with B and D Enterprise LLC.or Old Skool Trucking LLC. they will accept loads and then when it is time to turn in the necessary paperwork they will cut off all communications. nobody picks up the phone or respond to emails when the load is complete. Costing you the broker time and money. So please stay away from these companies. |
Replied on Mon, Jan 13, 2025 at 08:36 PM CST
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
I'm not understanding. Why would anyone not provide a POD in order to get paid? |
Replied on Mon, Jan 13, 2025 at 08:37 PM CST
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Why does it matter how quick the paperwork is turned in? If they want paid they'll get it to you eventually. |
Replied on Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 07:51 AM CST
+ 3
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
well this how it went down. called on load was told rate was 120 when we got rate con it was for 62 thats why we dont like to step out side of our normal brokers we use. ones we can trust and are honest.and dont tell us lies to get the trucks |
Replied on Wed, Jan 15, 2025 at 08:47 AM CST
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Hello All, I dont understand any of this, A broker can use whoever he chooses if he is using trucks he does not know or have worked with that is his bad. As far as the paperwork if you run a tight ship you keep the paperwork flowing along with your cash flow. Why some brokers what the paperwork quick is they need it to get paid so they can pay the truck and in that case the Broker is running on borrowed money not a good sign at all. Finally if you negotiated a rate of a $120.00@ton and the rate con. came at $62.00@ton why and the heck would you do the load? Call the Broker and say hey we have a wrong rate here and at $62.00 there is no way in heck it will figure $$ wise and if he does not paid the agreed rate dont do the load!! Common Sense goes a long way!! God Bless and be safe!! |
Replied on Wed, Jan 15, 2025 at 10:12 AM CST
+ 1
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Wow! This sounds familiar! Usually it is the other way around! Been ghosted by may unfamiliar brokers. Like B&D said, we don't step outside of the trusted brokers either! |
Replied on Wed, Jan 15, 2025 at 01:38 PM CST
+ 1
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Stay where you are comfortable that is fine, Was just helping with the what and whys and yes if a broker has to wait to be paid before he can pay you, Enter at your own risk!! God Bless and be safe. Thx, Jeff |
Replied on Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 09:24 AM CST
+ 2
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Hmm... Okay. I have no idea what load we agreed to haul for you. Please provide me with a rate confirmation, because I assure you that if we did a load for you I would very much like to get paid. You can reach out anytime and I will be glad to speak to you.
Kristin |
Replied on Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 03:19 PM CST
+ 4
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Quote: "Hmm... Okay. I have no idea what load we agreed to haul for you. Please provide me with a rate confirmation, because I assure you that if we did a load for you I would very much like to get paid. You can reach out anytime and I will be glad to speak to you.
After Reading the above posts In my opinion this brokering and factoring is a bunch of BS and all the paperwork is to The way it should go is the broker sends you a confirmation on the load the addresses for pick-up & drop and the rate, you should send confirmation back ...They also then should send it to the shipper and where its going ...when you drop it that company should email the broker it is received and scale ticket the check should be on its way to carrier and should be recieved in not more than 15 days...ITS THE SIMPLE !!!!! ALL THIS QUICK pay and other s*** the theY want to take from the drivers is BS If the brokers dont have cash to pay then get OUT of the business or you borrow the money and pay the interest dont ask me to give you 2-3% of my check , that lowers the rate !!!! Also O/O should not have to pay for the wash then the rate is no longer what they said it is, of late Ive been ask to seal it ,with seals of my own that lower the rate and just should not be my responsability In my opinion brokers and factoring companies should go by the wayside and shippers and recievers run their own shipping and recieving, lot less confusion and wrong address and lies from brokers and probaly cheaper than paying brokers I've said this before I pull a belly in the summer here in Mn I get 140- 155$$hr and get paid all day once I start My checks are in the bank everyfriday morning or some companies the 1st and the 30th I do fill out a haul sheet everyday and it gets turned most everyday I feel for guys trying to start in this OTR AND try to make unless you have good credit and good cash flow just for fuel not to break downs and etc its going to be tough gig !!!!! I'm fairlly new to this hopper business 3RD winter but I pick my loads at the biggest rates let the lower ones go its almost better to sit or deadhead
Replied on Fri, Jan 17, 2025 at 07:50 AM CST
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
Posted by a private BulkLoads.com member.
how is that so?dont they spend money buying fuel and making the delivery and dont want to be paid?curious |