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Auction prices

Jun 14, 2024 at 06:44 AM CST
+ 1
ET trucking out of Canada has a Video over on YouTube going over the latest truck prices at Richie brothers, it safe to say nobody has equity at this point, but you can bet the shop rates won’t come down, because that market isn’t flooded, yet...
Replied on Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 10:50 AM CST

When times are good and truckers are making money, everyone rushes to get in their pockets and raise prices of everything involved. I can remember when we thought 1100 dollars was high for a pair of Michelin steer tires. now they are pretty close to that price for one! Rates suck and those prices don't drop. We heard how the rates were never going to go south and that rates should never be below 6/mile. Good concept but highly unsustainable! I guess in these times, we need to make hay while the sun shines and hope to muddle through the rest of the year!

Once again Dave, you bring something to the table!