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Animal by-product (Meal) loads

Jan 30, 2025 at 08:36 PM CST
+ 3 - 1
Can you load chicken meal after a pork meat and bone meal load? I am aware that a washout is required before and after loading. Some feed mills refuse to load a truck if the prior load is animal by-products. Basically, I'm just wondering if meal could be hauled after meal? Thanks
Replied on Fri, Jan 31, 2025 at 03:45 PM CST

It all depends on the customer. I would be asking the person you are getting the load from. Most will require a washout but just ask and they are usually good about telling you. Most places will have a previous load haul policy.

Replied on Fri, Jan 31, 2025 at 06:00 PM CST
Quote: "It all depends on the customer. I would be asking the person you are getting the load from. Most will require a washout but just ask and they are usually good about telling you. Most places will have a previous load haul policy."

I appreciate the response. I live 20 minutes from a large hog processor so I get calls all the time from brokers asking me to haul meat and bone meal. I've never hauled it, and when I ask what I can haul after the load I get vague responses. It got me wondering if a person could solely haul meal and not worry about feed loads..... but I'm just not sure I could personally stand the smell of death in my trailer all the time 🤢
Replied on Sat, Feb 01, 2025 at 12:21 PM CST
+ 2

Customer dependent. Animal proteins are about 90% of my work and I have no problem switching to feed loads with a washout or sometimes just a clean sweep. Be very weary of beef meat and bone meal loads, though. Getting reloaded after ruminant can be a daunting task sometimes.

Replied on Sat, Feb 01, 2025 at 05:48 PM CST

Im my opinion O/O need to start demanding reciever or shipper pay for those washes ,and if seals are needed its the shipper responsibilty to put them on ,my last load I had climb up and get a sample again not my responability , another thing is we should not have to load unless there is good vententation ,The last load I had was alfalfa thank God it was windy I could not see the back of the trailer ,I only do this hopper thing in the winter and this will be the last ,interested in knowing what guys year around that do this gross , I pull a belly in the summer last 3 years avg was 215k

Replied on Mon, Feb 03, 2025 at 07:43 PM CST
+ 1

I've been at it only a couple of months but here is my thoughts. Pork meat and bone or blood meal you will need a washout to haul just about anything. You cannot go from fertilizer to to ANY type of feed directly without washouts and corn loads! if you haul Ruminent it is very dangerous (it is basically . beef meal - anything with a four chambered stomach). Most chicken meals come out without a vibrator fairly well. DDG comes out at this time of year with a couple of bumps. Buyers (the ones's who we work for - nomatter if it is direct or brokered should pay for washouts (if required) or we should at $3 per ton (average price of a washout is $60-85). Bulkloads is phenominal in their washout board. I did have to have a washout after my last pork meat and bone meal to KC, and a blood meal load to IN. Some places will allow you to go from chicken meal to corn or other products. Washouts to me are like lumpers in the reefer industry. I gave somebody a clean trailer and somebody is going to make a mess out of my trailer. Therefore someone should pay to clean it up. If not it is an expense. Charge them more in the rate, REFUSE THE LOAD OR NEGOTIATE A HIGHER RATE!! We all could go hook up to a Van and pull for $1-2 per mile. I got out of GA a couple months ago for $2.50 and counted my blessings because the same load on a van was $1.50. That being said most of the meal loads suck because we give up our 7,8,or 10 sleeper break to load them. Most where the bokers don't charge detention or good luck getting paid. Keep a note of the brokers that don't pay for washouts or detention and refuse to use them.